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Yeah yeah. Alex Murdaugh spent his whole life embezzling from his business, stealing from friends and family. Then he murdered his son and his wife, probably pushed his housekeeper down the stairs few years back as well. Okay, so the guy's a real piece of shit. He was found guilty because he is. So as the piece of shit is led away in cuffs, the stupid CourtTV crew follows him and pans the entire jury. On camera. People are required by law to be on a jury if chosen. The defendant or their family could seek retribution against the jurors or maybe they just want to remain anonymous. They should sue CourtTV's ass off.

barjoe 9 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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You live in a very weird country.

And that coming from a Brit, no offense intended, but the weirdest people on the planet. We love you tho.

@barjoe The feeling is mutual.

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