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How much do our lives revolve around weather forecasts?

Imagine, if you will, that for the next 2 weeks you refrain from hearing anything about weather forecasts. You're 2 weeks in and don't have a clue what the weather is going to do tomorrow other than the historical knowledge you have of your area. How well do you navigate through your daily life minus this knowledge? Large, small, or no effect?

FvckY0u 8 Mar 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Daily life - no problem. Work life -- big problem if good chance of heavy rain is predicted. Usual weather patterns, no problem. Hurricane warnings? Yes, I watch the projection of the path so I know whether I really have to prepare or not.

A few weeks ago, I was checking the weather forecast hourly, for 2 of my weddings that depended on avoiding flash floods to/from and at the location. One was scheduled for a waterfall (not smart during a flash flood warning) and the other was to be on the other side of a river that was about to breach the banks and flood/close the highway. In both cases, the couples were on the other side of the river than me -- and it was a case of who wants to get stranded or

Made the best choice on both, and yes, I spent more time looking at the forecast and worrying about which location to change to than actually performing the weddings, but that's how it is during unusual weather events.

For the most part, I don't worry about weather, it will be what it will be. It's only for special events that we need to watch the weather and be prepared with a back up plan.

Also - We also get visitors who hike in the mountains and valleys, not watching the weather report, so don't realize they could get stuck on the other side of the rivers and streams, or get washed out to sea. It happens. Never hike or go out on an expedition, without checking weather first. Foolish not to - and costs thousands of dollars to rescue each person not being responsible for their own safety.


Would be difficult to know how and when to use expensive chemicals in the garden. Sorry I am not organic.

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