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I don't watch TV. I'm listening to an NPR interview with the comedian (Michelle Wolfe, Wolf?) being talked about.

I'm not really that interested in the constant controversy that is the newest distraction. We have serious issues on this planet. This is the first of this I've heard. What are we doing and going to do?

Poet 3 May 1

Enjoy being online again!

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It's the same old, same old. Give the old white guy a pass to molest women and brag about it, insult women, mock the handicapped, insult our allies, but when a WOMAN dares joke about it, they attack HER.
Pack of white supremacist misogynists.


Do you have any ideas? I marched for Science, marched for Life (after the school shootings), voted against Trump. I don't know what else I, as an individual, can do.

Different country, but I share your frustration. I support minor parties with good ideas, I boycott companies who don't do the right thing and i go and do my tiny bit day by day. Doesn't seem to help at all, but at least it does no harm.

smoke a lot of weed???

@Rugglesby I do exactly that. I try my best every daym and I try to stay informed. That's all one can do, at this point.

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