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Strangely enough you won't see this video on CNN or MSNBC.. 😏 []

Captain_Feelgood 8 Mar 11

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Should this be construed as evidence in mitigation of an offence or an exoneration?

Well, his pathetic attorney got him to plead guilty to 'Obstruction of an Official Proceeding'... Considering the videos of him walking in with the security guards peacefully tells me he should be exonerated.


Democrats hate that the truth is finally being shown. Drives them fucken nuts. I'm loving it.

Yeah, I hope some day they pay the price for this BS..


Because both outlets are awash with TWITTER BITES, have been for years. ( I coined that phrase just for you, you seditionist traitor apologist.)
FYI, he pled GUILTY, get over it.

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