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9 Facts About Slavery They Don't Want You to Know meme analyzed-

Another interesting read...
The curious history of slavery in Africa-

SpikeTalon 9 Mar 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Interesting information I was not aware of.


The last four statements are true


Yep... I posted Sandra Greene's page here long ago. The people out there pushing their 'white-racists-bigiots' narrative hate finding out truths like this. They much prefer that bubble they live in. 😏

I didn't know native Indians had owned slaves.

@SpikeTalon Yeah, just like people in African nations, they would go to war with neighboring tribes over land, hunting grounds, etc, and then take the women and children of their opponents they defeat as slaves. Happend on pretty much every continent ever inhabited.

@SpikeTalon Nor did I, but it is logical. In Viking Norway a man's sons, legitimate or otherwise, had equal inheritance rights.

The full truth can be remarkably uncomfortable for bigots of any persuasian.
The past is unalterable. There needs to be a limitation on rectification of, say, 100 years.

@Petter True, it sounds logical, it's just that I had never given that much thought was all. Also right on the truth being uncomfortable for any and all type of bigots out there.

@Captain_Feelgood Whilst we're about it, How about those dastardly Greeks and Romans who enslaved thousands.
There were deep silver mines here in Spain where slaves were sent down to work, digging, eating and sleeping in near darkness. Only their corpses ever re-emerged. The mines were operated by Romans.
Then there were the North Africans from the Barbary coast, who raided South West England and Ireland to capture slaves.
The only myth about slavery seems to be in the bible. There is no compelling evidence of wholesale slavery of the Hebrew people.

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