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Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.
Christopher Hitchens

jbrooks46 3 Mar 19

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And, there are plenty of indecent things derived from religion.


Human decency is nether derived or nor learned, it is born from birth as a human breaths!!!

It is a basic human instinct which has to be corrupted to be hateful and prejudiced again other humans and animals, learned from other humans!!!


Welcome. Religion is used to control people.Humans have existed long before organized religion.


Human decency is getting harder to find every day.

To an extent, I agree. When it comes to being within close proximity of me, people feel safe and liked. The results have been wonderful by just being kind.


When people do human decency of empathy and humanity, particularly in helping widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption it has been called religion for 2000 years. So, when someone is doing human decency it's not derived, but called religion.

Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

Word Level 8 Mar 20, 2023

Religion is far older than 2000 years old, as well as alms to the poor being connected to it.

But human decency evolved outside of organized religion. The more conniving and devious of certain members of society invented religions to subjugate others.

@BufftonBeotch yes, religion was practiced before the religion institutions of nursing homes and orphanages. Just because nursing homes and orphanages are modern religion institutions doesn't mean people didn't take care of widows and orphans before.

Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27


I believe it was Margaret Mead who said it was when you begin finding evidence of early humans with healed fractured femurs. It meant a society was caring for a member who would be basically helpless for quite awhile.


Obvious though true.
Hello and welcome to the site.

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