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Anyone else love to ballroom or jitterbug dance?

When I lived in the US my ex and I went dancing almost every weekend as there were several ballroom/jitterbug clubs in Lexington, KY, and Huntington, WV, and my Morehead farm was exactly an hour from each city.

Photo is my ex and I dancing on the beach. I designed and sewed all my ballroom dresses, including this one.

birdingnut 8 May 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Hope you meet someone special soon.


I'd love to dance, but I have a torn tendon in one ankle, and I shattered the other, I'm just happy I can walk. Dancing looks really fun.

You can always "slow dance," LOL! You just hold someone and gently rock back and forth to the music while slowly turning in circles. Many nonathletic women appreciate a dance that is mostly cuddling, and isn't hard work.

Most dances have a severe man shortage, so women often dance with each other; they'd be glad to do the slow dances with you, and you could probably find a chance to ask one of them out.

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