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Viewed through the scientific lens, human beings do not exist as persons, but only as bodies. It takes communities or societies to turn a body into a person. The error of liberals is to assume that personhood and personal freedom is something naturally given, something self-evident like a basic desire or need (hunger, sleep, digestion...). --
But a person whose original property is to be free is not even free, because personal freedom, as opposed to contingency, is a characteristic of persons who exist only in a social, even "political," context or framework.
Only a socially embedded individual can be a person, and only as such can he or she be free. Thus, social embeddedness is a necessary condition for personal, political freedom.

Thibaud70 7 Apr 2

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The amount of time wasted on identifying with all of these labels is way beyond my comprehension, and time wasted in my humble opinion. My fellow human beings sure do fixate on some of the most peculiar albeit trivial topics.

I contend those who integrate into the "community" in that manner soon lose their own unique identity, and just become another face in the masses who go along to get along. That much should be self-evident when one considers the current state of American politics (not sure how things in that department go for you in France), I'm surrounded by mindless drones on both sides of the political aisle, and if it's not the delusional Trump MAGA folks babbling on then it's the equally mindless Biden bobbleheads babbling on about how "wonderful" of a leader Biden is. And the nonsense goes on and on with no end in sight.

I certainly get the point made above in the OP, but I'm fairly content thinking for myself and for the most part not associating with the "local identity", even if that means some people wouldn't consider me an actual person and merely a body. Been an outsider most of my life, and such can be quite gratifying at times.


It's observation of our electron which makes a body "exist." Just like recognition of a nation makes that nation "real." I think this is why electrons enjoy bonding together, so that they observe each other for a time, and why they have to unbond (returning to being everywhere at once).


Seems to me that your statement is far from anything that George Orwell would have considered plain English. You may be well on your way to being considered the master of convoluted statements.

If this short and easy text is too convoluted for your taste, you should skip all sections that have words like "Science" or "philosophy" in their title

@Thibaud70 I would avoid using big words like science and philosopy if I were you. The word arrogant springs to mind here. A defintion not found in the OED, my definition, is a flea crawling up an elephant's ass with rape on it's mind.


If i lived in a cave in the forest for 60 years and ate worms, was i not simply a weird solitary PERSON the entire time? And exercising my idea(s) of freedom?
WTF are you babbling about?


Liberals are far more frequently in support of laws, social reform, and rights for groups that have been denied rights by society. Liberals have championed rights for women, blacks, gays, trans, etc.

Conservatives on the other hand have a long history of trying to oppress people and create laws to punish them simply for existing.


The inDividual homo sapien has always considered himself or herself to be an individUal and distinct member of the species.. That is all that is necessary for personhood. yYou try too hard to make things complex.

Yes humans are all individual but we are social animals so form groups. The point here being I think that social structures should not attempt to control individuals via thought.

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