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Trans debate points to consider.
Interesting commentary and discussion,
with a perspective I had not considered.

New Health Paradigm

"So sick of these people trying to make factual biology complicating."

Neither side of the so called 'trans debate' are being helpful. The conservative/ anti woke camp are just as guilty of pigheadedness as the gender ideologues. Obviously transgender people would not seek hormones and surgery (and would not suffer gender dysphoria) if they were indistinguishable from non transgender ('cis gender'πŸ˜‰ people. The very concept of 'trans' differentiates them from regular non transgender people. So there is nothing to debate.

But the anti woke conservatives also insist on a definition of male/ female that precludes any anomaly.... and yet we know that generations born today are assaulted by known endocrine disrupters (everything from polluted drinking water to EMF frequencies) that humans have never had to deal with before. Plus gender identity issues are very closely linked to autism, which is itself linked to toxicological stresses both pre and post natal. When Alex Jones said the chemicals are turning the frogs gay he was wrong, they're actually turning the frogs trans. It's perfectly reasonable to explore the possibility that the explosion of so called 'trans' / 'non binary' identities over the last decade has (in part) an environmental cause.

The conservative / anti woke crowd seem to acknowledge the atrophy of male/ female traits among the youth (in conjunction with a hormone crisis in men and women), but they refuse to consider how this might be affecting them internally. It's a stupid position to take. Even fatherless households affects hormone levels and sexual development in children.

And all this is on top of the promotion of feminist ideology in the educations system, media, Hollywood and even the UN. Feminism is ITSELF a form of ideological gender dysphoria as it defines both men and women in ways that are extremely traumatic and objectionable to young people being subjected to it (males are psychopathic oppressors and rapists .... females are helpless victims/ objects with no agency).

Plus young people today 'exist' (or rather don't exist) in a virtual realm of social media, spending hours each day in a 'disembodied' state as they stare transfixed at the smartphone and computer screens. Their online identities cause their IRL identities to atrophy (rather like astronauts who spend too long in space). Added to this is the feminisation of schools and society in general and a lack of physical exercise and time immersed in nature (getting hands dirty etc).

It's no wonder so many young people are struggling with their gender identity and their physical bodies. But the conservative / anti woke camp won't address any of this nuance because they relish these kinds of moronic linguistic victories, as if they were the first people in history to figure out the basic differences between men and women.

The real issue with 'trans' vs the rest of society is the level of entitlement and anti social behaviour that (a significant minority of) trans people are now displaying. This entitlement is copied from feminists. Feminists have been imposing their gender ideology onto everyone for decades including their claim that gender is a social construct and women should not be defined by their biology or natural instincts. Feminism always was a transgender ideology.

Feminism already turned being a modern women into a drag act and created the monster that is modern female entitlement and solipsism. But most conservatives never called it out because vagina. But now they finally can without having to compromise their gynocentric hard wiring.

Meanwhile - beyond this ridiculous linguistic bickering - the transhumanist agenda marches on unopposed ....

Scott -

'Thought I was going to completely disagree with you. But you make some good points. In defense of conservatives, isn’t trying to stop the bleeding more important than a full diagnosis? If the trans agenda goes on unimpeded while we investigate and argue about the full, complicated, and accurate root cause, what will be lost while we do it?'

New Health Paradigm-

'Well I think diagnosis is key because there's so many facets to all this .... and multiple agendas and at play. To me the only way to approach it is to be forever curious, rather than reactionary.

The way I see it, obnoxious, narcissistic, anti social or insensitive behaviour is just that.... and whether it's a trans person or not shouldn't matter. I make the comparison to feminism because we saw feminists use their status as 'oppressed' to act like entitled brats and get away with it. Now we are seeing 'trans activists' copying this same formula. It's bullshit, but it has nothing to do with trans or women or any other 'cause'. It's just obnoxious anti social behaviour. Plain and simple.

The reason why they get away with it is because both feminism and 'trans' activism are useful to push a much larger agenda ... transhumanism: the destruction of natural male/ female gender, pair bonding, family and natural reproduction and the eventual integration of humans with technology.

I don't think most feminists/ trans activists realise that's why they're being promoted so heavily (in adverts, movies, schools etc). And when we see politicians look like deer caught in car headlights when asked to define a 'woman' it's not because they don't know what a woman is .... it's because they are under orders to not acknowledge sexual dimorphism any more. Under a transhumanist technocracy the average 'global citizen' will be a sterilised, worker drone who does not participate in natural reproduction, parenting or family life (think Brave New World). Reproduction will be via artificial wombs (which are apparently on the horizon) and babies will be raised by the state exclusively. Feminism already took us half way to this dystopia, and I think trans activism is supposed to complete the journey.

Some scientists are concerned the generation born to vaxxed mothers (ie those born post 2021) might turn out to be sterile (based on scientific analysis of the vax and its effects on the ovaries/ testes). We already know that menstrual problems, still births and miscarriages have skyrocketed since 2021. And fertility is declining generally anyway due to environment toxins (plastics/ EMF etc).

If we are in the middle of a deliberate sterilisation program this would explain why 'trans' culture is being pushed so hard and why politicians are being instructed to stop defining women / men as distinct biological categories. A population of sterilised 'global citizens' won't be able to BE a man or woman in the traditional sense...... and that would explain why they are being offered the 'choice' of 72 meaningless genders and all the hair dye, make up, glitter, rainbows, hormones and body modifications they could possibly want. It's basically a consolation prize (slavery skilfully branded as 'liberation' and 'progressivism'πŸ˜‰.

Just as feminism robbed women of femininity, motherhood and the privilege of being able to be supported by a man and raise her own children... the trans agenda will rob future generations of their sexual characteristics and turn them all into genderless cyborgs (with neon hair and lots of body mods).

Traditionally trans people idealised (and yearned for) a state of natural/ complete biology and traditional gender roles (a goal they could never achieve obviously) ...... but today's trans activists are being encouraged to embrace a state of genderless asexual limbo, as if that WAS the goal.... and as if realising your full biological potential (ie reproducing) was a form of oppression (which is what feminism has already been preaching for 50 years). And I'm sure future generations will be told exactly that, if this agenda is allowed to play out (again just like in Brave New World where natural reproduction was regarded as revolting and primitive).

The good news is the push to obliterate gender in the name of 'freedom' and 'self expression' seems to be having the opposite effect. Even feminists are starting to see the appeal of traditional gender roles and male / female pair bonding. Let's hope we don't see widespread infertility in 5, 10 or 20 years time because that would be so depressing.'

BDair 8 Apr 5

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One of the most hilarious things about this post is quoting Alex Jones as some kind of biology seer...that would be a HUGE res ipsa

Alex Jones sued for a billion dollars for free speech. I is amazing that Alex and you who is an extreme lefty are free to speak still.


No amount of chemical , radiation or surgical intervention alters the fact that genetically, in every one of our trillion cells in our bodies we are either male or female.

Until we can change every cell of the body from one gender to the next, this issue will remain divisive.
I see the difference being between genetics and surgery.
Which one is morally and ethically correct?

Indecently a fetus, for a short time after conception, is always female. As the fetus develops gender is assigned permanently.
The argument could be made that a small number of people are gender non specific which is a different issue to sex change/trans-ism.
This is multifaceted issue that has as many facets as there are people on earth. Discussion is healthy and should take place, but getting a global consensus is going to be very interesting

In Canada it cost me a 100,000s of dallor to raise my kid. Then the Government interfere with schooling education of my child with gender classes. Then the Government wants us to pay through our taxed 100,000 or 200, 000 on transgender surgery and mental brainwashing. I don't care if they castrated their own children, just leave my kids and money alone. Keep their destruction of my family and mental illness programs to themselves.


The interesting point to note here, is that our environment is
polluted with endocrine disrupting chemicals. Children with
exposure to things like BPA may not develop correctly.

BDair Level 8 Apr 5, 2023

Pollution|- chemical , 5g radio and microwave, internet and smart phone technologies are beyond doubt affecting us negatively.
Our god will not tolerate any return to a better lifestyle.
Our god is universal it's name is money and has a child called profit.

A trans EMT tried to use his medical training to prove that sex is not binary. He ran into trouble when I asked him how he’d respond to a patient with a penis who claims he’s having a miscarriage.



The smartest people in our Country, assuming Government. Can not define what a woman is?
Being a bio_organism first, that's the stupidest thing I have ever experienced in this lifetime.
They are not the boss of me

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