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Beyond Reset
Animation short

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 10

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That was a huge waste of time.
Do not recommend

You made it through the entire thing? I made it though the point where the news feed told him masks were mandatory for venturing out on the tiny balcony of their internment dorm.
Rolled my eyes so hard I saw last Tuesday and cut it off.

Pure propaganda, brain-wash crap.


They already have covid quarantine worst than this. With just one hole to look out in China for months. The free people in China have zero covid policies meaning they will not ever get rid of covid. They have social credit score where if a person j walks or some other minor behavior a person can have their money taken away or can not buy land or cut off many different things.


Turdeau is mandating vaccines all over again, going money digital, medical will be tied in with greenpassports. And 15 minutes have already started and mandates 100% electric cars by 2030. Everything is electric to track a person everywhere, if anyone can afford one or a golf cart, like housing already.

@Castlepaloma You might fit in better over on Truth Social where they will lap your pablum up like horse wormer.


Invermectin in the continent of Africa, worked 15 times better on covid deaths than vaccines in Europe and North America combined. And won a nobel peace prize 2015.

Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medication used to treat parasitic diseases. It is FDA approved for use in humans to treat a variety of parasitic infections including parasitic worms, hookworm and whipworm.


I thought all the braining has to come from the top-down and who is in power. Must have to be brainwashed and programed well to buy into that narrative. Glad I have my own mind, truth first and integrity

@Castlepaloma Links to articles or it didn't happen.

You forgot the part where they bury them up to their neck in the sand and only let them look through the hole every other sunday.

Get your "facts" straight.


What Qult nonsense.

What this means is you will likely be compliance, safe and signing for these programs. Which I won't be, with other alternatives. Your ID is in Capitals , that's is not your real name, yet you signed up for that contract. We all are tricked into nonsense contracts some how and at some point. It's a matter of where one draws the line in the sand. Vaccines mandates is another one with no responsibility for millions of injuries or deaths.

@Castlepaloma There are NO vaccine mandates. This dystopian scenario is far more likely for women in their fertile years. They are already tracking menstruation cycles of school age girls and exploring ways to prohibit women from traveling across state lines with imprisonment for anyone who assists in doing so.
The right wing christo-fascists are also poised to ban a medication that has been FDA approved for over 20 years.
But keep peddling your conspiracy fantasies.


Here is a picture of vaxxed and unvaxxed when exposed to a disease.

You stay unvaxxed, my friend. We don't need your kind.

@AtheistInNC Exactly.

@Castlepaloma What the hell does my ID is in "capitals" even mean? Becuse my Driver's License and Passport and Social Security card have my name printed in all Caps, that is no my real name?

You are so far down the rabbit-hole you should be hitting magma at any moment now.


It's almost opposite, no unvaccinated person I know where I lived ever caught covid or have a single wart on them. Totally your owners proparganda.


Capital letters means you sign a contract where you volunteer permission to drive, fly and own a business under the Government permission. They are just your medical, gender and natural environment to a new level of ownership for your owners like livestock.

@Castlepaloma Yes. I actually want restrictions on who can hurtle a 4,000 pound vehicle down the street and that they be required to maintain insurance.
You're one of those sovereign citizen loons too?
Those one's insisting on those YouTube vids that they don't have to show their DL, and in fact, they don't even NEED one, when pulled over in a traffic stop.


I've fought all my policing for profit tickets, that I won wail they pull me over for. Didn’t have to even use my constitution right and sued them back. They are only allowed to pull over a commercial automobiles I alway ask what is the nature of your investigation. My insurance is only $250 a year. Only send $4000 a year for everything including expenses. A lowest price for an electric car is $60,000 to start. Plus worst on polluting overall.

So you have no friends and don't know anyone?

what a crock of horse hooey.

You hallucinate quite frequently, huh?


In the end he excapes in the garbage truck.

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