2 1

If you are not outraged by the outrageous outrage of the
current thing, then you are a anti-semitic, racist, transphobic
right wing conspiracy theorist and are spreading hateful

BDair 8 Apr 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes... Elon Musk is a complete asshole, but that interviewer was one of the worst I've ever seen, Musk ran over him like a Mack Truck.

... or a Tesla truck.

@BDair I stand corrected. In orthopedic shoes 🙂


This is the kind of brainwash a white, male, boomers straight breeder who has their own thoughts and truth. Gets turns into a hater, racist, far rightwing conspiracy theorists and transphobic. Like myself from the narrative bullies. That's full of nonsense of evidence and facts missing. I'm always open and not afraid of anything they throw at me. This kind of coward person can not hold up to hours of deep conversations with someone who is really smart.

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