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Kevlar won't stop a round from an AR-15, kid. 😞

Flyingsaucesir 8 Apr 17

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Whether we realize it or not, our children are living in a war zone.

Teachers too.

@Flyingsaucesir They're under attack from fascists, too.

@Organist1 Tru dat! 😐


Keeping democrats and trannies out of the school should cut down on the shootings.

That was possibly the most moronic statement I have read on this site. Congratulations CJ!

@Flyingsaucesir Yep! He totally deserves the trophy for that one!

Just gotta say, What The Actual Fuck is This comment?


~ Took 30 seconds on google to find what CNN and MSNBC keep from you.

There's crazies on both sides, but you guys are stacking up some freaken body bags.






@CourtJester So you're saying any loose nut can go postal. This is not news.

These incidents all go to show that the idea that only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun is a damned lie.

The majority of Americans want stricter gun laws. Only Republicans stand in the way.

Good guys weren't aloud to have guns though. Only the bad guys. ie. democrats that are spoiled babies that threw a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way.

Democrats are obviously the dangerous ones.

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