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This guy (in typical proper British form I might add πŸ€—) is the quintessential intellectual trying their best to deal with one that is ignorant to the facts and, well, reality in general. My hat is off to this bloke. πŸ™„

Captain_Feelgood 8 Apr 18

Enjoy being online again!

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why not ome over to my yard and tell that to my grandmother's daffodils that pop up and bloom a full month earlier than just 4 years would be a fair debate because you and the bulbs have a comparable IQ...oh, no wait, They pay attention to the climate they are in.


Jacob Rees-Mogg is an old Etonian turd of the Christian variety, one of Boris Johnson’s buddies. He is well known for defending the indefensible acts of his bother cronies. I believe that his financial dealing recently came under scrutiny. He represents the facade of respectability of the Conservative Party.

Well well, what do you know. Another one that has to resort to benighted ad homonyms because they don't have any logical retorts or rational commentary to refute what the adult in the conversation has to say. How typical! Welcome to the 'ignore' list there asstralmax. πŸ™„I hope you and Droopyus there have fun in your bubble of ignorance. Cheers πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

@Captain_Feelgood Bingo


China must love these clueless climate activists. China controls most of the vital resources needed for EV batteries . This is just one of many consequences if these activists get what they want

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