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BUD beer has lost 6 billion dollars useing Dylan Mulvaney who is a transgender in their commercials. Also Dylan promotes woman's tampons. Have large Corporationism gone to a new level of brainwashing.

Nothing against transgenders, just don't understand them, the gender industry and Government push all the time..

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I consider people getting upset about trans people and them getting equal rights to be excessively intolerant and that trans rights are important, but not nearly as big a social upheaval as the critics of trans people think. It's clear to me that those who oppose and get upset about trans people and them pushing for their rights, are, the same as Dems who are liberal only on culture war shit and identity politics, use issues like trans rights, gay rights, etc., as a useful distraction to keep the masses focused away from the united class war against almost all of us by the two major parties and the two groups they both serve and are owned by, the rich and corporations.

To me, any intelligent person who is part of the 99%, as the Occupy movement defined it, realizes that equal rights for people who are not the mainstream in sexual orientation and identity is nothing to get upset about or feel threatened by, and that the real thing to get upset about and care about, is the class war against the 1%, who are our real enemies, even more so than the MAGA idiots who support Trump.. It's the same with racial minorities, immigrants, and those with religious differences such as Muslims here in the US. They are not our biggest or real enemies, same as the Trumpers and the Bible thumpers, because those two groups are being used, same as many others before them, by the ruling class and corporations, to divide us, and keep the masses from revolting against our real enemies who run the whole system...

I'm all for going for the head of the snake, which is the financial pyramid dark empire, who only unveiling themselves with each blow to the 99% in labeling and fighting each other. . I support the right to be trans or religious, I don't ask me to understand it , or celebrate it everywhere I go.


Man, many people really fear speaking out about this. like always they fear the punishment. About 85% disagree about transgender in men's sports and in public school. Being honest is the best policy for strong realationships and health.

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