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Local outhouses I am on the board of our island historical society and learning history can be both interesting and fun. Our director, Amy, seems to have a thing about outhouses and posted two notable privy’s One is adorned with driftwood for a sort of artsy fartsy effect. The other: ”While we're on the subject of bathrooms, who remembers using the old "outhouse" at the Richardson Store? (For those of us who never got to see it before it burned, it's the little closet peeking out from the corner of the building in the middle of the photo.) We have it on good authority that all contents simply dropped to the beach! We promise to stop posting about bathrooms soon, but is still going. If you (usually) enjoy the content we post, please consider donating to our sanitary cause!” We have to install a new septic system.

jackjr 7 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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From the apparent size (seems about 4 by 5 feet) it looks like it was a 30s WPA job.

A lot of the old ranches in extreme southern Utah have old WPA concrete floor outhouses. it got to be a running joke with the oldster locals in the area. Ha, ha.🙂

Problem is outhouses often fill up and have to be re-located. Next week some of us are headed to an island that is both a state park and part of a national monument (managed by the BLM). The outhouses have been replaced by composting toilets. The last one to go had a concrete floor. It got made into a storage shed. I don't know if the WPA was active on this island but on the big island, Orcas they built a lookout on top of the highest mountain in the archipelago. []

I think the WPA was more about making jobs than creating infrastructure.
I don't know how they were emptied -- in my day I never heard of one being used as a toilet.

In my home collection I have a featurette from a terrible 1951 film 'Westward the Women' that .talks about Hollywood personalities traveling to the wastelands of Kanab, UT (where I was born) and how they had to cut roads, etc. to make the movie. Unfortunately I couldn't find a link to the featurette and it isn't worth the trouble of uploading my copy -- sorry.🤔

@RichCC The WPA was about creating jobs but it also was about infrastructure. Even Hitler used this in his early days of reign. All the autobahns and even nature works were done. One influential American nominated him for the Nobel peach prize.


(Looks like hell...)

Perhaps a preview. At least it seem insulated.

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