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First, lets hope no religion makes it to Mars 😀

I asked some muslims which moon they will follow for their calendar if they land on Mars.... will it be earth's Moon, or Mars moons (The two moons of Mars are Phobos and Deimos).

They said its not possible to go to Mars....

To which I thought.. Go Elon! Make it happen!

Human settlement on Mars and beyond is unchartered territory for religions. So maybe people realize they have been fooled as God's books should have mentioned it. LOL

farru86 3 May 2

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They will do exactly as they are told, as ever.

AND...they'll THINK exactly as they're ever!


shortly after the invention of the telescope, the Pope at that time claimed that the inhabitants of those worlds would have proof of god's existence.


Why should any Muslim want to go to Mars? They fully intend to conquer this planet. Mars is for white people. It's the ultimate expression of "white flight."


I Love your question! Any stats on answers to share?




Its amazing that someone would claim its impossible to go to Mars. We have active rovers there as I type this. Yes getting a person there and supporting him/her is somewhat more difficult, but hardly beyond our technical capability.
Science has shown religion to be wrong so often that religious believers are basically ignoring scientific truths..... and in USA trying to trying to discredit scientific studies. The extent to which the ignorant believers have been successful is bothersome (at best).

Watch the youtube vids of mullahs and other islamic "scholars" explain that if the earth was round planes could not fly.
Islam is the "mother-load of bad ideas."


They'll just claim it was god's will that we got there, after we get there and will find some passage in their holy book that for told that we'd get there.

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