In 1947 the US War department made an educational film titled "Don't Be A Sucker" warning of today's Republican party...
@Castlepaloma was this the video that you were searching for?
And now it is democrats who behave like fascists.
Wonderful isn't it.
So you lack the education to know what fascism is then?...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz So lizard a refusal to accept that your democrats have just spent $US100 billion supporting a corrupt fascist regime in Ukraine whilst denying US citizens any news other than that they deem fit for their citizens to learn are not fascist in their behaviour?
I suggest sunshine that you let some into your brain so that you can realise that you are deluded.
Try starting with this recent video from Redacted on YouTube -
@FrayedBear You really are a moron when you can't see that you are watching a Russian disinformation source...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Hey Sucker be a man for once & produce your evidence to disprove what is reported by Redacted.
Read it and weep sucker....
Redacted Times is actually Russia Times...
Now prove that Putin isn't lying to you...