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I'm a pureblood, a senior able to compete at a world class level in my profession. Why in the world would I take from the highest profiteering pharma drugs and blood donation from the lethal injected vaccinated people?. When my health is great and if it isn't woke, don't fix it.

MONTANA is tying to ban vaccinated blood donors. I say let vaccinated people have tinted blood, if they want to. Let pure bloods and pure sperm cell be live and let live too. Doctors are paying for blood and sperm from purebloods. One guy makes a living from jerking off. Finally I'm worth something and not the ultimate Terrioist anymore from the majority vaccinated. .

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 23

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U got that right , u worth something finally
Pls masterbate as much as possible , and donate your sperm . Anything to keep your hands busy instead of typing on this site will be marvelous .
Thank u in advance , oh pure blood master of all , us , the unworthy dirty woke fucks , we salute u 🙌🦇🙌

I have to give you the master-debater award. I just don't have the over crowded and over obeisance livestock of sheep followers or sheep dogs behind me. I have to type on this site to know where the land sharks are and how many slave owners are in operational .. Need to know the dangers to control the dangers, I'll be ready when greater shit hits the fan With everything I need from nature for food and medicine. And a couple like minded people I share with on this site.

I humbly recognize your superiority in brilliantly shining the light to expose those who are in need of enlightenment. Your reply was the brilliant. Thank you very much for the laugh! 🙂


I enjoy not taking life so seriously, being no better or worst than the next guy.. My differences from most people was working and learning for 50 years with millionaires and billionaire finding how deeply corrupted they are everywhere. Rapidly starting with the greatest blunder of all times, the Trojan horse vaccines. If most people buy into 1% synthetic compliance theory , so be it Our grass root holistic community present a new way of thinking and creative process.. I don't like bullies, and if they don't like my happy substantable lifestyle, fuck off.


This level of escalation of stupid in your recent posts is quite alarming.....see somebody!

Pointing alot of one finger, calling people stupid and forget your pointing three back at yourself.
I don't bother calling people stupid, majority of centroism people are.

@Castlepaloma now you cannot read either? i called your posting stupid, not you.
i repeat, see somebody, today if at all posible...there is DEF something wrong here!


Just about everything I do or say , you call stupid or some downing of a negative thing. Then you call most everybody stupid or idiots that you don't agree with. Then all the sheep just laugh along without any solid facts or evidence. Truth is much funnier and stranger than fiction. What is presented here. It's certainly is a Madd Madd world.


Sounds good. I think we should encourage the ban, then the Red Cross should ban Montana from receiving blood from outside the state.

That just restricting or punishment to unvaccinated people, all over again. Many totalitarian types have been brainwashing the 50% in the middle that just go along. And some totalitarian have called me a serial killer and a terrorist. That is actually, what fascism and tyranny dose.
Constitutionally Governments have no say what goes into or out of my body. Same with obortion and many other pro choose decisions. Government and big Pharma are playing God, and breaking the the constitution and international law. They will be unveiled in this apocalypse.

@Castlepaloma No it's not. There won't be a ban in any other state, so if Montana wants to ban people from donating, and other states don't, Montana can't take blood from anywhere else because it may not be "pure".


The fact is, I don't want banned unvaccinated or vaccinated blood. It's none of the Government business, they almost alway fuck things up by terrible abstract thinking or by design. Its not about our health, it's mainly for profit and control.

@Castlepaloma If you don't want any blood, don't take any blood. But if people want to support stupid legislation like this, then they should win stupid prizes like their entire state being cut off from the national supply.


In Canada, there is no regulatory requirement or blood quality or safety standard that requires that the vaccination status of the blood donor be indicated on the label of a blood product.
Since the unvaccinated I know are the healthiest people I know their pureblood is my first choose and they are accessible.

@Castlepaloma That's my point. If Montana wants to ban vaccinated people's blood, they won't be able to get any blood from anywhere else. This also means that the vaccinated in Montana will be using up Montana blood supply, but unable to contribute to it. It's possible many people could die as a result. Maybe if enough people there die some liberals can move there and flip the state!

Politicians are not the boss of my body. All these energy and blood 🧛♀️ , all they manage to do is triple our tax % dallors since what my father would pay. Now the are coming for your blood, body and mind. Other states are planning on banning vaccinated blood donors too. It's just another case of us against them game, where the collective consciousness of the people loose again. The Government should be afraid of its people not the other way around. Like in Mexico, where half my family live and they are happier than us from my experience.

@Castlepaloma Again, any state that wants to do dumb shit like that can suffer the consequences. Same with abortion. The states that had super restrictive laws kick in when Roe was overturned have seen maternal mortality rates 62% higher than the liberal counterparts.


Good thing I'm not into dictatorship by politics. I would have to be so onesided all the time in constant conflict of us against them. . I love my own leadership and moderation of peace and harmony. I'm with you on abortion, government have no ownership rights to our bodies.


Thanks, you are my go to guy for sensible thinking here.

I didn't know "viruses come from animals"

Just alone, the percentage of viruses come from animals?
Close to 70% of emerging viral diseases such as HIV/AIDS, West Nile, Ebola, SARS, and influenza, are zoonoses—infections of animals that cross into humans. Malaria kills more than covid during their height of its infection years. No alarm bells


I said from the very beginning , 90% herd immunity is impossible with vaccines. Since trillions of covid masks and vaccines and vaccines kits are leaked into our landfills and animal kingdom. Humans contribute a relatively small mass compared to the rest of the Animal Kingdom. People make up only 0.01% of all the biomass on the planet. Since viruses come from animals, get all animals vaccinated , and I will too. Just another impossibility.


you are wrong...smallpox, for one, has been eliminated, polio is rare,
for just 2 examples.


The vast majority of viruses come from animals. Most of our diseases we eat come from animals.

Virus is an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host.

@Castlepaloma NON SEQUITOR, MUCH?

I presented the highest percentage of viruses come from animals. What is covid all about, some bat or raccoons dog of mass distractions. If you love the oil products and muster gas of Rockefeller mainstream medical.medicines, knock yourself out, just don't bully it onto me. I don't expect you to understand all the medical medicines that anyone needs all comes from nature. I see more likes for cats and chickens on this site, when I came here for science and nature.

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