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Forgive the language, but there is a literal fucking nazi running for senate in California.


d_day 7 May 2

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Holy shit ❕
Free country indeed :-/


The language is not inappropriate in my opinion considering the "meat" of the comment. All those men in my dad's generation who fought in WWII are rolling over in their graves that the US would ever tolerate a Nazi, let alone to allow it to run for office. And any SOB who would vote for this treasonous coward is just as bad.


I think a lot of voters in California were hoping they were getting a Nazi when the elected Arnold Schwarznegger. What a disappointment he turned out to be. Maybe they will get the real deal this time.

I lived in Los Angeles for nearly a full decade and the people I met there were far and wide more liberal than the average citizen anywhere else in the US. I don't think anyone ever thought of Schwarzenegger as a Nazi. While he might have been more conservative than the family he married into, the Kennedy clan did have an impact upon him.


I think there is also a nazi running in Illinios.


You have one as president already.


Fine people.

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