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Existential Comics

The term "supernatural" is kind of funny because by definition it sort of means things that don't exist. If something exists, it is part of the natural world, in that it can interact with particles via the rules of physics. If ghosts exist, for example, they can't so much disobey the laws of physics, because scientists would simply adjust the rules of physics to match what they observed in the ghosts. The most striking example of this are cryptid animals like Nessie or Bigfoot. In a way they sort of count as supernatural, merely by the fact that they don't exist. If they were ever discovered, they would be boring old natural animals. In the sea, the division is even clearer, we can imagine a cryptid enthusiast asking a scientist "do you believe in sea monsters?", and the scientist replying "oh sure, there are plenty: great white shark, orca, giant squid, etc". Here the cryptid enthusiast would become frustrated and say "no I mean like Leviathan or Kraken". The scientist might ask "isn't that just a Sperm Whale and Giant Squid?". Frustration increasing, the cryptid enthusiast says "no, I mean things that don't exist." Here our poor scientist is left to contend with the true meaning of the question: "do you believe in things that don't exist?".

There are two differences, it seems, between "sea monsters" and "sea creatures". The first is that sea monsters are named in Greek, where sea creatures are named in Latin. The second is that sea monsters don't exist.

Philosophers in this comic: Rene Descartes, Rudolf Carnap

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Ryo1 8 Apr 24

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With a camera in every hand and drone technology, I think the possibility of cryptids existing are increasingly less likely.
But if they were proven, it would be just another animal.


Should we see some kind of wisdom or spiritual enlightenment or guidance from all of this faux supernatural comic stuff which gives more than it takes from youngsters emotionally and mentally mind set???


Sounds like religions—exorcisms


I give Aliens and Bigfoot a much greater probability than Yahweh, which a third of the world believes in.

Aliens and bigfoot, if they were found to really exist, would not require you to alter the laws of physics.


Are the Laws of Physics Changing?
Controversial study claims a fundamental constant may have shifted over time. No solid evidence of aliens or animals from a another planet yet. There is a high probability from zillions of stars and solar systems. There is 10 times more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth. People believe in aliens more than in Yahweh.

I have a good friend who is a leading authority on Sasquatch, for 45 years he travels around the world. And written many books on them, with hundreds of testimonials. He is as honest as the days are long. It's beyond me what he does and hasn't seen one Sasquatch yet.


When I read comic books almost daily, circa 8 to 12 years old, my fave was True Comics, its stories based on world classics. I read a few fantasy hero comics too. The pharmacy’s owner often chased us away.

I lived in a very rural and conservative area. While I could get MAD and most other comics, only one place, at the time, had the True Comics and my real favorite Monster Comics. In the city, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a little drugstore run by two Jewish brothers sold them.

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