2 10

Finally fox is losing in the home country.

silverotter11 9 Apr 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Don't you ultimately love politics and media, they are the very best thing for humanity. ....... Not.


Let's hope the Murdoch empire crashes and burns completely.

When I moved into this appartment complex FOX was the go to viewing for several residents in the afternoon. The morning coffee group had CNN, NBC or Good Morning America.
There was also a computer free for use by the residents.
At times if I was in the clubhouse in the afternoon I would go to the computer and fact check all the bull shit that fox news spewed. It reached a point where I'd just come in and say "Oh, FOX stupid on again". Finally they would just turn the TV to sports or Turner Clasic Movies when they saw me come in. 😏😁😈

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