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Is it possible to have a presidential candidate who is not compromised?

puff 8 May 11

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Pharmaceutical don't make you well. Giant supermarkets lack nutrition and unhealthy ingredients..Centro Bankster profiteering printed money, national debt and death grip mortgage . President and politicians make it all legal

So no compromise.


No. Because if you can't be compromised, then no political party will ever trust you. In politics you only prosper if everyone else thinks that they can blackmail you, otherwise you could be a danger to the morally debased.


Joe Biden didn't lift a finger to help the Romanian real estate developer. Hunter may have tried to get his father to do or say something to influence the corruption case against the developer, but Joe didn't. How does that make Joe "compromised?"

Don’t confuse the troll with facts.


I would say that most predatory type needy people apply to get themselves in the news all the time. Not many introverts and honest people try because they don't want to put themselves in a position to get their ideas killed. A lot of loudmouth mindlessly idiotic are your basic choices.
Look at the winners....all liars and thieves grabbing women's gentalia and bragging about it. Mentally defective not quite human.


About as possible as a mother and her daughter giving virgin birth 2,000 years ago.

Such a bad idea it has never been repeated (that we know of).

@rainmanjr Give it time. IVF without ever having a bonk will happen one day.

@Petter Bonkless IVF is with us already

@puff Yeah, but those folks have traditionally bonked. They are not virgins.

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