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Some powerful stuff here, and truth be told.
Civil Rights leader leaves Dr. Phil & his audience speechless after rejecting the idea of “systemic racism” & reparations.-

I disagree with him on the "spiritual" stuff of course, but Woodson was certainly right about the issue with morals. I also agree with Tate's comment about how in the 1960s welfare programs were incentivized by the progressives which in turn helped to destroy the black family by encouraging unwed black mothers to remain unmarried in order to collect benefits.

SpikeTalon 9 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I really want to normalize telling people, on the spot, "You are completely full of shit."
No censorship, no recriminations.
Call them out, anytime, anywhere.
If they're lying, say they're lying.

@SpikeTalon Let's start a trend!


It's the corruption of family law courts.

Courts are given a financial incentive to give custody and the majority of the parenting time to the mother.

Courts are given a percentage of the money fathers pay to mothers in child support.

States are paid by the federal government to imprison the fathers incapable of paying child support.

All of those things should be unconstitutional.

BD66 Level 8 May 14, 2023

History shows there is and has been a build in bias in the United States against Blacks, Asians and Brown people.
Nixons war on drugs was designed to remove the Black man from the family. Prisons policies and covenants have all worked to keep most Blacks from creating generational wealth.

@SpikeTalon We can hash out the back story til the cows come home and I am convinced that trying to education died in the wool racists will never change. The right will glom on to things like CRT to keep their fear alive.

@SpikeTalon That's just sad. Now, Black people can be just as racist. I was in CA helping a friend do some remodel work on her house. Actually she and I were the gophers while the guys did the work. On the way to Home Depot I was the only white face to be seen for blocks. We got some pretty ugly looks. I said to my friend, "Seems to work both ways". The big difference is who has the bigger stick. My ex was 20 years old in 1960 and barely had the same rights as white folk.


My daughter is half white and half Aztec. I've dated many black and mostly women of colour. Toured 6 continents and still many people say only whites can be racist.


The civil right leader makes sense to me. The greatest crime related to black families is fatherless children. Black mothers were better off collecting welfare with children than working. And 9 times out of 10, a black murderers in prison had a fatherless childhood.

The federal government has put the same financial incentives in place for all mothers, not just black mothers. I've seen videos of a single mother bragging about how much child support she gets by having 4 babies with 4 different baby daddies. She gets much more than she would by having 4 children by the same father. The government literally puts perverse incentives in place, and the mothers are making rational decisions to maximize their benefits given the perverse incentives.

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