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Seniors React To Martha Stewart Being On The Cover Of Sports Illustrated

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 17

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Overweight lady in a swim suits, 2 transgender and a nearly dead. I guess anyone can be an athletic looking on sports illustrated. Airbrush helps.


i wanna be just like her when i grow up!!!!!!!!


Well we all could look that good with loads of money to put toward beauty enhancement products and procedures, time and access to a gym, all the best makeup and styling, plus friendly lighting and extremely friendly camera filters and editing. She's still the same person underneath all that, in real life, and that's what really should matter to a viewers, not the image she can afford to project.

Money covers many flaws.

@SeaGreenEyez We are extra critical because it was a woman. A man can get voted as the "Sexiest man alive" and have gray hair! Women are told to wash the gray out of their hair. For whom? Why? Martha looks great and it's wonderful that SI put her on the cover.

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