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Klaus Schwab and his vision is a worry.

puff 8 May 17

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Well, that's always the justification for adherence to Authority; if rape is inevitable then.... I therefore examine, and reject, the idea of rape (or, in this case, obedience) and look for realistic but comprehensive ideas to combat it. The only one I find is an embrace of individuality and creativity but those don't sit well with Authorities so I reject their idea. Until society revolves around the ideas which suffocate those like his then we will dance with them and, sometimes, they'll lead. I'm doing my part.

Have you ever heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? He basically separated out that humans have needs and wants with needs applicable to all. Human interaction is one of those needs that you have allured to.
The main need are shelter (from elements), nutrition (clean air, water and an accessible food supply) and security (ability to sleep/ rest safely). This applies to all species, not just humanity.
Old Nazi boy Klaus Schwab wants central control. But today humanity finally has the technology to fulfill Maslow's needs for all.
Robotics combined with intensive farming, renewable energy and AI.
We should be developing independent communities where a combination of AI controlled robotics supply them with clean water and food, energy and security. The robots can build and maintain our shelters. I think it would be important that community AI stands alone eg they are not connected in any way ie no central control. This will free up humanity to pursue leisure activities and get creative. whilst residing in self sufficient communities.
If human communities have food, shelter and personal security, there is no need for war. If there is war, each community being self sufficient will be able to survive without shortages.
The truth is everybody would love to have slaves to do those daily mundane chores for us, freeing all to pursue leisure activities and live. But owning another is unfair to the slave. Hello robotics! We can all be served. Gathering food can be done by AI run aqua/ permaculture, intensive farming for every community. Independant AI will secure these communities and run energy collection and distribution. Work will be a choice, not a necessity.
A shame R & D into robotics/ AI and renewable energy are all directed to centralised power and weapons of war. We could all be fed, secure and left to our own devices in community settings and concentrate on important stuff like art.

@puff It will rather soon overtake the functioning of everything. Even govt decision making or I doubt we get to that place but I admire your vision.

@rainmanjr I have no problem with AI running everything, as long as it is not human centric. It must be programmed to benefit all life, not just human activity. If it is as smart as they say, it will be capable of benefitting all life on Earth.
Why they make AI to imitate humans I have no idea. Don't we have enough real ones already?

@puff Robots have no greed or agenda. They would approve or disapprove of any request or need based on need and likely secure the network for bidding and production of facilities without graft. Fraud would become unheard of, I should think. A hole host of govt ills would be eliminated or more effectively managed. Even law could be managed with it, at some point. Deep Thought.

@rainmanjr With self sufficient and independent functioning communities, no real need for government excepting foreign relations.

@puff It would be severely curtailed, which should appeal to the Cons, but regulations, applications, programs, and such would still need attention. Should be things an algo can do, though.


Hitler reborn more powerful and meaner. Question is he the heralder of WWIII?
my bet is odds on favourite that he is the one


Yov vèl do it and yov vel be happy. ... not. If I had no privacy 24/7. The only fun I would get out of life , is to flash and giggle my hairy rat at their cameras, once in awhile. WEF is very very sci- fi creepy.

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