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I hate this racist con artist

MsKansasCity 3 May 25

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I think most of us do but we'll have to live with that. At this stage he's become an American focal point and legend. So far as those things go he's been wildly successful. In meditation we learn to let go of our thoughts as if they're made of nothing and that's how I treat him. 45 will never own me in any way.

Rather that being wildly successful I find that he has more failed businesses than you can imagine and he bluffs and cons his way into anything with the gullible believing that he likes and thinks just like they do.

@DenoPenno He's not in jail and living in gold-plated rooms so I see that as successful.

@rainmanjr Gold plated rooms. That is more wasteful than his gold shitter. BTW, I hear his airplane is grounded.

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