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Although I knew the top social media in the U.S., I didn't know which were big in different countries.

But consolidation is bound to happen.

St-Sinner 9 May 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Nice collections here and first branded by culture and later maybe by media take overs involving money. My phone, for example, is a Samsung Galaxy 3 that I power strictly with a 90 day Trackphone card and this makes it like a throw away phone. They have made changes now and I cannot see my minutes so I called them. The person I was talking to said that he could not give me my minutes without my user name and location. Dude, I told him, I am calling you from the very phone I am talking about and my info does not apply because I use a card to activate the phone. This means I could have any name and location. In the end I got my minutes but that info used to show up on the phone. Now it does not. They will go to any lengths to be able to track you. My phone is simply a phone. I talk and text only and have all the other stuff turned off.

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