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Anyone else have difficulty understanding how an arch conservative could be an atheist? Conservatives have list of what is right and what is wrong and that is carved in stone for them. How could they possibly deny the existence of God when it is the backbone of their political party? Conservative ism is based on traditional value system that is deeply rooted in Christianity.

Kojaksmom 8 May 3

Enjoy being online again!

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True Liberalism, and True Conservatism, are not incompatible.

Douglas Murray is a gay, conservative, atheist. He is great to listen to.

As I've said before I'm from the Bible Belt so we have no such animal here. All of our conservatives are bible-thumping evangelicals

@Kojaksmom Those "conservatives" are some of the least educated critters on on the planet. Hope you don't have to visit there often.
Some of the senators quitting are really good people. Lamar Alexander is a science guy. This is the kind of "republican" we need.

@Jacar All republicans voted for the tax bill and put the most conservative judge in the supreme court. We don't need any of them.


I can't figure out Log Cabin Republicans either.

By the way what the f*** is the Log Cabin Republican

@Kojaksmom Gebulldog said it. It seems pretty self-defeating to join a group that espouses your inequality as one of its core "values".


Both do not have to go hand in hand.What is right and wrong is not defined by belief in any "God"

Coldo Level 8 May 3, 2018

I don't know most conservatives have a very strong belief in God , tradition and the Bible. Yes I'm here in the conservative South but I have yet to meet a conservative atheist in real life. if I had a dime for every person that called me a Godless liberal I would be a rich woman.


I don't know the answer to that. I have a couple of friends who are atheists and conservatives.

I'm thoroughly confused too, although all the conservatives that I know absolutely despise atheists and agnostics.

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