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It’s nice to see a lack of fitness on full display.

Fine job!!!! Can’t wait to see his next slip up!!!!


CourtJester 7 June 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Democrats will not wake up from their slumber until their most hated man Trump makes Biden eat dust in 2024. Now I am wishing that to happen. I would have tolerated Biden's age but not his high unfitness and his team hiding it desperately. He is embarrassing the nation at home and overseas.


This lack of fitness appears to have been stuff that was on the stage. I do admit that a younger man might not have tripped but some of them maybe would. A balance problem comes about as we get older too. I have one at 77 and I have foot neuropathy as well. Not sure footed like I used to be. BTW, I know nothing about Biden's health situation.

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