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I would obviously prefer to keep this site going, but without access to server password, we won't be able to, even if we want to. The Discord group is a decent, if imperfect, backup. Several of us are already there also.

If someone has Admin's contact info, I would be willing to contribute to the cost of the certificate renewal/site maintenance. I guess if that's off the table, we could renew the url in September and host a site or at least redirect to the discord. I don't know what our options are.

OldMetalHead 9 June 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm not willing to pay a monthly fee. Not here and also not in Zuckerville. Info and opinions are gathered, stored, and used nationally for polls. This is why sites are free in the first place. Somebody somewhere is profiting off of you.


Most members here including I are willing to pay a monthly fee to keep this site going.


I do have a profile on the Admins' Bizarro site, it's called and it's a ultra right wing bastion of hate. I just lurk or post in some non political groups, they have a science fiction group and a mystery group. Anyway our Admin is a ultra conservative libertarian and a Christian. He used to be a regular on there and he disappeared a couple years ago. They think he might have died. I think so too unfortunately.

@OldMetalHead Could have been on automatic renewal.

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