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A right winger that I work with recently told me that "Trump was being picked on by media over classified documents just because he is an easy target. Every ex President or VP has some of those documents but they wanna go after Trump but he is a smart man who still has a lot of followers."

My reply was spot on. "Really," I said. "He can't keep his mouth shut and causes media to jump at him, maybe because that is what his personality demands. You can trace his failed businesses way before he was elected, find quotes where he thought you could inject or drink bleach to fight Covid, other quotes where he thought we could nuke hurricanes, and the list just goes on after that."

This was where my "yes, I'm gonna vote for him again" co-worker decided to change the subject. They know I'm a "never Trump" person but I do not tell anyone wonderful things I think Biden has done either. I want the best possible treatment for all of us and the current trend is to have other Republicans run for POTUS so as to force the GOP nomination towards Trump in 2024. America has strange politics.

DenoPenno 9 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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You do not have to have a political party weaponize anything in government departments if you can follow the Trump playbook. All you have to do is be able to read about the man both before and after he was elected. He causes his own problems.


I prefer DeSantis myself but I’m afraid he will have a differcult time in the Republican primary.


The democrap party has weaponized the FBI and dept of Justice to go after their political opponents.


In case others have missed it I have revealed the real reason that many Republicans are deciding to "run against Trump" for the 2024 nomination. Pence and the rest know they have a snowballs chance in hell, so who does this leave? Yes, they want Cheeto back in again and he should be permanently barred from office.

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