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First time since I deconverted that I had to witness an evangelical trying to witness to my children. It was an old friend of mine as a Christian but I haven’t really come out as a nonbeliever. I’m in Deep South Bible territory so you have to be careful or your name will be ruined.

It was just so pathetic in how they try to use manipulation and fear to get you to make a decision and the same old “God may decide to kill you” bullshit. It’s really unbelievable how they use it on small kids to scare the shit out of them into believing

abyers1970 7 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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They actually "witness" nothing. They proclaim without back up.


I would not give two shits and a fuck what any other nosey pos christians had to say about anything. They are YOUR kids and it is your duty to defend them against that type of assault. Being from the deep south I know a thing or two. I have dealt with these southern gossip queens and loud mouth "good ole boys" all my life. They do not live your life, nor do they control it. Fuck em! Tell the creatin to back off and keep his personal religious dogma to himself.

I’ve told my kids that’s it’s bs and I just kept trying to change the subject to no avail


Yes, it is all unbelievable. I recall in my early church daze before I was fully sucked into this nonsense how it got to me. Praying with the pastor's son I decided that if I stepped over a certain crack in the floor the Devil would kill me. (True story.) The pastor showed up and told his son to continue praying with me and he would go pray with those other people. What was all this crap? IDK. Maybe step on a crack and break your mother's back. That might be where it came from. It's easy to see how I went on to study for the ministry. It started with fear but I had to know everything. Years later I discovered that none of us know everything. If this helps you maybe you should try telling your children not to let your friend scare them. If they ask what you mean just repeat it again and then drop the subject.

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