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It's pretty obvious, traffic on this site is almost zero.

barjoe 9 June 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, I am one of 7 at this moment. I miss checking in here to see what people are talking about. Going through a little bit of withdrawal, haha, but I suppose I will fill the time I used to spend here, doing something more productive.

My vacation starts next week, and family I was planning to visit will be gone most of the time, so I will be looking for someway to fill my solo time... Guess I'll have to stock up on audio books. Would ask for suggestions from folks here, but it's so quiet!

I can still sign in, but without the security certificate, it's unclear to me just what the risk is... It's always been a public site anyway. It's not like we're sending credit card numbers through the site, so if anyone can share just what the risk is, I'll decide if it's worth checking in here every few days.

Maybe everyone went to one of the other sites? I know someone started a FB site, but I'm not interested in sharing my personal thoughts there, since people I actually know might see it, haha! Someone in Australia started a discussion forum, but whenever I sign in to it, I'm the only one online, and nothing much has been posted there.

I sure like the set up here - and I am missing the interactions. 😟

Consider coming onto our discord. I created it so people can still keep in contact in case the site goes bust, so everyone can at least coordinate contact. It's not perfect, but there's still a group of the people you know there. I'm hoping that enough people sign up to invite others that they gotten to know here and find ways to stay in touch. You can sign in and not come back unless you feel like it. I'll leave it up indefinitely.


@summatyme Thanks for that info... Not sure I'm up for learning something new, but I'll give it a try.


This is like rats abandoning a sinking ship. I'm gonna hang on until the site does not work at all. Most of the conservatives have gone, it appears. Our favorite antivaxxer appears to be gone. I'm tired of being told that somebody died because they got a vaccination and this is thrown in there with medical information that you simply cannot get on an individual.

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