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How low can a man go?

Petter 9 Aug 11

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If this is a real reading , then u got problems . Not a good deal

It is real alright. I've stopped my BP medication for two days now whilst taking readings two or three times a day. It is currently back up to the 100 - 110 range.
Trouble is it will eventually go over 200 if I don't take the medication
Over the past 10 years the doc has tried 3 entirely different types of med. The present one, Amlodipino, is the least dramatic.

@Petter I am on Amlodipino/Amolodipine (UK generic drug name I guess) too. It is about the 6th blood pressure med my doctor has tried me on and so far is the only one that has not turned me in to a zombie. I fin that if I split a 10 mg tablet in to 2 and take half on a morning and half before bed the side effects are minimal.
Hope this is of some encouragement.

@LenHazell53 It is indeed, Len. Thanks.
(Amlodipino is the generic name used in Spain.)
My tablets are 5mg and too small to split. So I stop taling them for two or three days when my pressire starts dropping below 100. I have skipped two so far and my BP is back up to 116/61
I shall skip one more dose before resuming them.
The reason it went so low this time is that I was travelling and didn't check it for a fortnight. (It had been really stable in the 115 to 130 range during the previous fortnight.)


Are you passing out? Please be careful! I tend to run low too, but not that low!. Still, it's easy to just not be aware of it until it suddenly reaches that point.

I am well aware, thanks. That's why I carry a meter with me on my travels.
(I'm currently in Italy, after a month in England)


You can go too low, and this is VERY near it, the time when you crash your car, fall down and break a hip, and other unpleasant and competely unnecessary things happen. Either get a med adjustment, STAT, eat more salt, and Def let your doctor know!!!!!! (That bottom number is particularly problematical)

My doc knows alright!! She has put me on fifferent doses of 3 different types of medication over the years. The cutrent one is less erratic than the previous ones, but still has to be watched, and halted, every now and then.


You might consider having your device adjusted. Failing that, check with your doctor.

I am on my third different medication for hypertension. My Blood pressire can rise to over 200 if not treated
Unfortunately, under treatment I sometimes end up with hypotension, as per this reading and have to stop taking the med for a couple of days.

@Petter Keeping on top of that must be exhausting.

@KateOahu . Not really. I simply take a reading morning and evening and decide "pill or no pill".


At least you still have a pulse, so there is that. I'm off work today for a visit with my doctor, I'm 100% certain my BP will not show that low. I just want within normal limits.


Does a man really want to be that low?

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