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I don't know who wrote this but it is remarkably pertinent:-
We have two lives, and the second begins when you realise you only have one

Petter 9 Aug 11

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Or when we realize we have gained the ability, strength and will power to start taking control over our lives. There is sometimes a transition point between how life is treating us -- and how we are treating life.

I have one life, but I made a "mid course correction" at age 51. I celebrate 2 birthdays - my physical birthday that was given to me - and my intentional birthday - which is the day I chose to start my life over my own way instead of what was dealt to me. I am so much happier in this 2nd half of my life. (Presuming I will live to be 102. 😉 )


Very apt. I would say the best one begins when you realize you have only one. There are no do-overs.

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