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Remember the electioneering of 2015/2016?
Remember Trump's speech about "Good, clean coal"?
Why don"t his opponents for 2024 run a close-up of his mouth saying "Good Clean Coal" whilst showing a background of thermometers reading record highs in various places, and fires devastating the USA including Hawaii?
The ad could then cut to Trump signing the USA withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, etc.
"Vote Trump if you want a leader who cares more for personal power and money than for humanity and the populace of the USA."

Petter 9 Aug 11

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1 should write campaign ads!

From Spain?

@Petter Porque no?

@pamagain Porque no tengo ningun contactos politicos en los Estados Unidos.

@Petter Hmmm...una problema, si!

@pamagain Un problema ¡ verdaderamente !


Hopefully the American people will wake up and throw the crazy idiotic democraps out in 2024.


China burns over 1/2 of the worlds coal. They also have 24 nuclear power plants under construction. Under democrat leadership we are trying to shut down all coal fired and fossil fuel power plants. Hell the democrat are even trying to shut down oil and gas drilling. If we continue we’re well on our way to becoming a third world shithole.

A disingenious answer.


Thankfully, they are not yet running the political ads. I’ll be surprised if they don’t do exactly that.


Fascinating idea.


NPR did a report on Tonga's Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano in August of 2022 where they predicted an increase in temperatures globally due to the added moisture kicked into the atmosphere.

The ignorant have short memories. But hey.... paying more taxes and giving up fundamental rights will make the weather better for sure.

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