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Most of you atheists highly amuse me. Let me break it down for you in a way you MIGHT be able to comprehend.

You hate or dislike the religious because they are believers. You say they believe in nonsense. OK. I'll buy that. Then you go on to post on numerous topics and the posts read like this; "I believe..." or "Man told me...". Fucking hilarious!

Both the religious and you are believers. You see that's the issue. It's not about what you believe in. Its about the fact that you believe at all.

Belief is a chronic thought that holds control over you. Knowing or not knowing is all there is. To know from the heart is true knowing. Everyone has a heart. Everyone is capable of true knowledge. Seek out that which is inside you. Trust your intuitive knowing. Find it and feed it.

How can I tell if someone knows something? It's very simple. If you believe, you do not know. God, Source, It, anyone or anything doesn't care what you believe. You either know or you don't. Find out or know you are exactly what you hate.

What has happened to you is very simple. You've traded one chronic thought someone else came up with for another chronic thought yet another came up with. You have no thoughts of your own. Your mind is owned not by you, but by religion or by science. Take your pick. If you want to go around thinking you are the shit because your chronic thought differs from another go right ahead. Me and others like me will simply ignore and laugh at you.

FvckY0u 8 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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"Trust your intuitive knowing."

Okay based on the evidence put forward in this and other posts from @FvckY0u, my intuitive knowledge is that FvckY0u is a self deluding, very frightened, little fellow who cannot cope with life and reality. Who thinks that shouting a lot makes things true.

Hey what do you know it works 🙂


Ohferpetessake, today's award for Dumbest Word Salad at best........


This is a board where atheists/agnostics gather. Surely you know that. From everything you've written today, I gather you're in a mood to troll, insult and make yourself feel intelligent and clever.

I'll leave you to it.

But, may I point out that self-delusion seems to be sitting on your shoulders?

Don't bother responding, ok? Just sober up and think carefully about coming back.

@FvckY0u Oh please stop or I am going to piss myself laughing 😅😂😅😅😅😂😂😃😃🤣😄😄😁

Oh you are a urophiliac, maybe you should change your name from fuckyou to Pissoff (or piss on) ?

No not seeing it, but have listened to it, "This the sound of death" track five from the Pulverizer album by Axia 🙂


I believe / I know to be true / to my experiences, blah blah blah , all these are ways people speak when they try to relate their truths and point .
U seem to pay very much attention to just words .
How people want or are able to express them selves verbally .
Look deeper . If u must .
Personally I don’t care . People can use any word they want to say what they want to say . It doesn’t matter . There are bigger fish to fry .


you seem to appreciate speaking plainly. So...your dissatisfaction with the way others go about their own damn business reveals the incomptence of your own thinking through its incapacity to adapt or shutup. your stuck the same way many in this world are. changing your mind is not in your toolset. you are certainly no authority, but you like to believe you are. kind of embarrassing actually.


Don’t presume to know what motivates me to identify as atheist. I’m an individual and will not be lumped into any groupings that you or anyone else decides. I do not, nor never have, had any belief in a god or gods, religion or quasi religious groups, nor indeed am I affiliated with any anti-religious groups either. I neither hate or particularly dislike any religious person, although I do disagree with most of them doctrinally and hate the way their adherence to belief in religion and religious dogma has robbed them of the ability to think and reason for themselves.

As a lifelong freethinker I am happy to allow others to choose what they wish to believe..or not, but I find people like you who presume to know what others think more irritating than any proselytising zealot who is only out to save my soul, and has been brainwashed into thinking he’s doing me a favour. You’re not even worth my laughter at your ridiculously asinine assumptions about me and other members here.


Believe what you like. Both religion and science are always changing. Science has a model to go with and religion has a book.

@FvckY0u Apparently you are not able to teach any of us what you think we will never know.

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