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This will be fun to watch fall apart.


Trolling 5 Aug 16

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Spoken like a true billionaire...

How so?

A billionaire might lament the misfortune of lower economic classes with crocodile tears. Watching the economic calamity and perceiving it as 'fun' seems similar.

When people are insistent on digging their own holes, the best lesson available is to just stand back and watch them fall into it. Failure is one hell of a teacher and motivator.
If people are making $50k a year, buy a house with a $1,500 a month payment, a car with a $900 a month payment, and are spending money on fast food every day; it’s okay to watch them crash and burn while they learn basic finance the hard way.

I’m open to your argument if you can support it though.

I'd argue that that kind of failure is costly to society and the species. Enabling responsibility and competence in handling one's financial affairs would seem to be desirable goals. These people might be more competent if they had more money to spend. Another possibility is figuring out how to match peoples wants with their financial capabilities. In the same vein, multimillionaires and billionaires have more money than they can competently spend. Many of them obtain their wealth either by inheritance or by psychological defect of the manic garnering of wealth and power. Once the assets are gained, the underlying functioning companies falter or fail under incompetent leadership, again inflicting waste and cost upon society.

Life’s about choices. People that make poor choices have poor outcomes and it’s mine or anyone else’s job to pay for their poor choices.

But that's the paradox, or at least the argument. What does society do with it's homeless? They present a variety of problems and it's been challenging to decide if and how to address those problems. At both extremes are calls to ignore them, whether out of indifference or out of insisting that they be made whole instantly (and wait until that can be done). I don't appreciate having the commons spoiled by squatters. I believe problems should be solved to the extent they can be. How much has everything to do with the allocation of scarce resources, and that means politics...


People can't control their spending and end up blaming everyone else when their households fall apart.
I don't know that it will be "Fun to watch", but their is some enjoyment in seeing people get the lifestyle that they build for themselves.

And Hoora my good man!!!

Hey. Another Marine.
The world would be a better place if there were more veterans.

There're a few logical people on here. I just pop in to read the retardation from time to time.

I’m new on here, but I’ve definitely seen some really strange mindsets on here. I’m guessing most haven’t served in the military, haven’t traveled outside of the country, AND grew up without a father in their home.

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