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Christian apologists today are fond of saying they can’t see how morality can be grounded in a naturalistic worldview. Is it strange how often they offer their lack of imagination as an argument?

  • Randall Hogan
bobhoff59 7 May 3

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I just out 'good' them.

"What have you don't today to make yourself a good Christian, BESIDES hopes & prayers?" This is my epic win over them and. it. works.


I tell my "moral" friends, "If you have to outsource your morals, you're not ready to talk about morality. Outsourcing morality is the same as selling your soul."

Ooooooo...I likey!


Well said! For me, it's impossible to NOT use nature as the source for morality. This entire planet is one massive organism. Each part must contribute to the health of the whole. Yes, we all need to eat (and that involves killing something) but we also see empathy, compassion and even helpfulness freely given by animals. Read about bonobos...our very close cousins. They don't have bibles or hymns or priests, etc. And yet, they're so very kind and good to one another.

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