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When the weather is gloomy, I too am gloomy.

Jolanta 9 Sep 9

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Is it possible that the weather is gloomy because you are gloomy, in many cultures rain only came to hide the tears of a goddess or demi-god, saddened by her people 's sin


I know what you mean. I used to live in the Seattle area, where it was gloomy all winter a good percentage of the year. I would have to sit by a window and take walks outdoors even in the rain to keep from falling into a depression brought on by the lack of bright sunshine.

Yes, if I don’t see sun for 3 days, I really have to think positively and remind myself that this is not going to last.


Perhaps the medicine of Dr Johnny Walker or Dr Jim, Beam, or that Greek geeza ouyzo he;[p??
Here in Queensland we seek solace with Dr XXXX. I don"t recommend it for Canberrans, because everyone knows that 4 X's is the international symbol for poison.(or condoms)
Besides we are the moroons so we never get the blues ,though we do beat them often enough.


When I went to school in Atlanta I got a reputation as a weirdo.

Whenever it would rain I would cheer up (often in Atlanta).

'You guys don't understand -- I grew up in the desert(northern AZ) -- rain is a good thing'.

We understand all too well in Australia, the land of flies , fires, floods and drought.


It's all good. Just weather. Only weather that gets me down is an excessive heat wave.

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