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See photo below. Honestly isn't it time to deep six this guy. Does he think he is beyond following our law of separation of church and state. What a douchebag

AmelieMatisse 8 May 3

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Deep sixingTrump is long overdue.


Like most republicans he does not wish to understand the Constitution!


I can't stand Trump. Why is this bastard still in office. That psycho Pence won't be any better though. Trump probably thinks that if he gets his way with this religious office thing, he will gain favor with the churchies. Is the general public that stupid? When are we going to say ENOUGH ALREADY?

It amazes me more every day what he is allowed to get away with


12 you mean. he might be a good person deep down.


I. Am. Speechless.

I wish he was!


Trump’s follow up prime time television address to the nation: My fellow Americans, it gives me great pleasure to announce the first Executive Order I am issuing by adopting this proposal from the Religious Office. Beginning next Sunday and continuing indefinitely thereafter, we will begin a nationwide cosplay of The Handmaid’s Tale. Role assignments will be emailed tomorrow. Good luck!

I wouldn't doubt it!


Trump doesn't care about religion...he only cares about getting idiot Christians to vote for him.


And, it can still get worse.


Someone, please assassinate this fucking bungling fool.

If that happened we'd be stuck with pence, which would be even worse.

@memorylikeasieve Take them both out then.

@KipperI think that's the real problem here. there are plenty of crazy fuckers on the planet and now people are actually voting them into power.

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