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Nothing really new about LGBTQ+++, just how society reacts. Are people more accepting now? Not so sure, seems to me people were more happy to live and let live back then, rather than demanding acceptance and equal status in society.

puff 8 Sep 23

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@puff, you do realize you're surrounded with educated people here ... don't you?

I sometimes have serious doubts regarding Americans. Biden's one and only plus is he is not Trump. But the way people defend him blows my mind, he is destroying America.
Nord Stream did it internationally as well as cutting Russia off from swift, made BRICS a more attractive alternative. Afghanistan did not help, good luck getting a coalition of the willing for the next freedom war. That's internationally, we all see the potus is a sandwich short of a Picinic.
Then domestically, I can't see how he maintains support at all. let alone attempt to contest the 2024 election. You see polls where up to 77% believe he is too old and decerped. Make me wonder who the 23% are that thinks all is ok. So I sense indoctrinated rather than educated.
Do read my response to Charles1971 below regarding this topic. Waiting for an educated rebuttal to my stance from your pro everything progressive types.


Accepting? You mean like mandatory jail time in the UK even after WW II?
Or random raids and arrests in NYC and every other place in the USA on people quietly minding their own business, until Stonewall?
Or places in Africa and the Middle East where being put to death is still okay?????
WTF closet are You living in?????? You sound like someone telling a sharecropper how much better off they are now than before Emancipation.

I live in the present and look forward.


To live and let live?
Any healthy society has to be able to identify and control / neutralize all kinds of free-riders, parasites, deviants, social predators etc. ... otherwise it will disintegrate and vanish before long.

Who decides what a "free-riders, parasites, deviants, social predators" is? for me you describe theists, a pillar of our societies.
What being secular is all about, being tolerant of minorities beliefs with secular societal laws greater than religious dogma..

Oh, you mean getting rid of unwanted people like the Nazis tried to do?

@Charles1971 Like Democrats seem to wish on MAGA supporters another example. Just get rid of them. And there is the hypocrisy in this argument.

@puff Yes, Dems would like to get rid of the MAGA cult but the Dems are not passing laws or beating them or herding them into concentration camps to be murdered.

Meanwhile, conservatives and Republicans are actively trying to outlaw gender-affirming care, ban any discussion of non-binary, non-cisgender, or non-heterosexual topics in schools and ban gender studies class in colleges. Conservatives and Republicans actively opposed marriage equality for same-sex couples.

How many MAGA people were murdered in 2022? How many trans and gay people were murdered in 2022?

@Charles1971 You describe the worse kind of conservatives. Conservatives don't like rapid change, progressives do. This is a major difference. You can't demand conservatives accept change and start deriding them for "outdated" views when they defend their view, that approach does not work. You have to sell it to them gently if you want real, authentic change that will last. A slowly, slowly approach.
Conservatives were sold on gay marriage/ lifestyles. That was all good. It took too long but we got there. Trans lifestyles were pretty well there also, with your boy Georges and the transition of Bruce Jenner. Heading the right direction with inclusivity in all things.
But LGBT wasn't enough and every other sexual eccentricity started to be included. Demands started to be made and that is when progressives went too quickly imo. And as I have seen mentioned elsewhere, the letters in the alphabet soup that is LGBTIA+++ are not really similar; like herding cats. One group cannot accurately represent all of them. Don't think Lesbians are right into drag queens for example. Or one with sexual dysphoria.
Re schools, let kids be kids. The 3 "R", exercise and learning to be social beings, that's what schools about. They can source information about sexual identity from other means, not school. They just need to watch TV, not schools.

"Gender affirming care".......doesn't that sound nice?

  1. Medicine and Doctors are there to heal the sick, to do no harm. To give hormone treatment to a healthy body, knowing it will make the patient sterile for life ie irreversible is very questionable at least.
  2. But to condone this treatment for children, those people deemed too immature to comprehend "adult" things like voting, driving etc. is now not only questionable but bordering criminal. This sort of treatment must be adult only as their mind has not yet matured for starters. This is not medicine that will make you biologically healthier however you identify. It will sterilize you and is irreversible.
  3. Children have no legal voice and it is up to adults to protect them, including protecting them from themselves.

So in short, "gender affirming care" for children is a big no no from me so if progressives do want to improve things for sexual alternative lifestyles being widely accepted by all, suggest going less antagonistic and hard headed against conservative types and definitely drop the hormone treatment for "not yet mature enough to make that type of life changing decision" people aka children BS


"Live and let live" is a motto of mine. It took years to get here and my now dead mother told me "live and let live " is not defined enough. Oh, yes. This is where religion steps in along with hate and other things. If you do not like something simply avoid it and move on.


Since when have people been content to "live and let live"? Minorities have been discriminated against, oppressed, attacked, and even murdered. They only way this ever changes is through protest and often violence because oppressors will not listen to appeals to kindness, reason, or compassion.

I'm saying minorities were accepted but kept on the fringes of society and this was OK. Many I knew/ know are somewhat proud they are not "normal" eg wife, 2.4 kids and a mortgage.
I do not consider myself normal either, glad I'm not.

@puff Forcing people to live at the fringes of society is NOT the same as being accepted. I'm pretty sure that's the opposite of being accepted.

@Charles1971 There is no forcing, it's a choice. It is not me who thinks that being a fringe element ie not being part of the mainstream is bad or undesirable or whatever negative connotation. It is just being different or alternate. it is not what the norm is. Nothing wrong with being abnormal either, but many see it as a negative. Why is it that now, these fringe lifestyles have to be considered mainstream? This new normal, tolerance I supposed that is meant to mean, is being forced on society through legal means aka government. Why can't it just be left as fringe aka non-mainstream lifestyles? We are trying to force fringe to become mainstream through design. Human cultures don't work like that. Let fringe remain on the fringe of the mainstream. This does not say they can be discriminated against, just says they don't fit into the mainstream, which is what government attempts to devise policy with, as it is the mainstream that is the majority (why we call it mainstream)
NB Interestingly my "f" doesn't work so when I typed "lifestyles" it came out "liestyles", which does describe this attempted forced change of cultural norms.

@puff First of all, being FORCED to tolerate other people seems an extremely small thing to ask from someone. We all have to tolerate things in society we don't like. But, explain to me how you are being harmed by minorities or how your rights are being infringed upon?

For me, I can't think of a single way in which any fringe group or minority has adversely affected me in any way whatsoever.

@Charles1971 Women spaces. Women are being forced to accept male bodies can undress in front of them because they identify as women. If they do not tolerate, they are demonised.
Jordan Peterson is off to re-education camp because he reuses to adopt preferred pronouns, a legislated change in language/ communication driven by government laws.
I am unvaccinated, a fringe group in my country. All fine and dandy to not tolerate me and ban me from parts of society, worse than any trans or gay in 2023. But I choose to remain on the outer and I would prefer my stance to be mainstream of course, but accept it is not. Just the way human societies work.

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