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Australian senator Malcolm Roberts On covid agenda: "It’s become clear that people of this country and people globally have been steam-rolled, it’s also clear that this was co-ordinated globally. This was not planned in the last year or two and a half years, but the planning took decades to integrate. Changes were made to the legislation, on purpose to control doctors and people! But the people are waking now, we knew then and we know now that this is all BULLSHIT and we are going to hound you down! To the people that are guilty, we will expose your global agenda”

1patriot 7 Oct 24

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Regarding my last comment, if you read up on emergency legislation developed to deal with pandemics, you will see they allow the mandating of medicines. But not any old medicines, very specific ones only. Only "vaccines" may be mandated. But truth be told, there is no vaccine for covid nor influenza.

puff Level 8 Oct 24, 2023

emergency legislation on pandemics is from the WHO or Australian government?

@1patriot Each government makes their own regarding social controls etc. But most follow guidelines suggested by the WHO regarding medical controls.
I've long said pandemics are more of a safety emergency than a medical one eg there is a hazard that poses a risk that can be managed using control methods. Medical science is only one of many control methods available to minimise risk. According to medical scientific experts "vaccinate all" is the only solution.
We had/ have the wrong experts in charge. Safety issue so safety experts.

@puff their play a dangerous game. we need to pull out of the UN and the WHO.

@1patriot Need to enforce the ban on Gain of Function research. Already against the law.
I think all that needs to be done is enshrine as a human right, it already was, that any and all medical treatment must first obtain consent; Consent that is informed and freely given without coercion.
Then big pharma can try and push their products on us by making good products. If there is a deadly pandemic and a medicine is devised that works, won't have to mandate it. People will line up. It's all risk Vs benefit.

@puffthey have shell shocked the masses from getting and flu vaccine now! i haven't have a flu vaccine since 2018 and don't think i ever will. i have a aunt and uncle 94 and 100 year old never had a vaccine ever...except for the covid as they were force jabbed to stay in a nursing home!

@1patriot My old man was in a nursing home, no jab. No point, deteriorating quick from dementia.
I am unvaxxed but got to see him as I pulled safety on them. Krunts made me get a flu jab though.

@puff was it covid shot they give you?

@1patriot nah flu. The Chief Medical Officer of my state, Queensland, refused to give any exemptions to the mandate I was informed by my doctor, a mandate authorised under pandemic emergency powers (that the pandemic was declared for a coronavirus and the mandated vaccine was for the influenza virus still does my head in). This was early pandemic days, way before a covid vaccine was developed. Visitation to my dying father was the coercion, the emotional blackmail used to make me comply. I vowed never again thus when covid one came, never got it and devised another way, using safety common sense.

@1patriot Found the email that got me in. Got forwarded to the state authorities then came back down to be up to "manager's discretion"

"Dear Susan,

As discussed today, I believe my father is near end of life, I have not yet received my chosen vaccination for covid-19 as it is yet unavailable in Australia (Novavax) and I wish to visit my father. I understand that managerial discretion regarding visitation has been mandated away from the individual facility managers because of emergency powers granted to Chief Medical/ Health Officers, both state and federal due to a world wide pandemic being declared by the WHO. I wish to state quite clearly that I have no confidence that these powers will keep my father and other residents safe. Safety is not their expertise plus their decisions have been quite political at times and it shows, with Victorian quarantine being charged under Occupational Health and Safety legislation for providing an unsafe workplace, quarantine managed by medical expert authorities. Hospital staff are made to work unsafe hours with viral contamination seemingly "expected" and thus acceptable in hospital workplaces. Border closures so understaffed contract tracers can "catch up". My personal Doctor has informed me that she is only able to give exemptions to a Covid-19 vaccine in two instances. This indicates to me that my personal Doctor's expertise regarding my personal health requirements have also been mandated away from her and thus myself as well. Need I provide more examples as to why I have no confidence in these mandating expert medical authorities when it comes to safety issues?

These mandated directives regarding my vaccine status not only affect me, but also my Father and Mother, for whom I am a carer. The current status quo regarding visitation of my father is unacceptable and illogical; inhuman and cruel is not an out of place description either and thus policy and procedure requires immediate change. This can be done safely and I will propose how it may be done using the scientific field of safety ie control risk from a hazard where the control methods employed can be measured, quantified, monitored and results repeated aka the scientific method. Medicine is not the only scientific expertise applicable in this pandemic scenario we find ourselves in, managing risk in care facilities.

If you assume the worse ie I have covid and am contagious with the virus highly contagious and airborne, then a visit could still be conducted safely if a proper risk assessment is done thus employing effective controls. Please note this worse scenario situation could still occur if I was fully vaccinated as no one claims these medicines stop transmission. As a safety control method, imo current vaccines available not ideal as a false sense of security is displayed by the vaccinated causing them to discard other control methodology. So, this is what I propose to allow visitation to my Father.

  1. I will not enter any buildings, with my Father being bought outside. We will stay on the grounds.
  2. I will PPE up with mask, face shield, glasses and even gown and gloves if that is deemed necessary.
  3. I will stay downwind as much as practical.
  4. Once RAT's become available, they may be employed for myself and my father as an extra measure to ensure other residents safety(PCR tests impractical atm due to processing times).

If Bolton Clarke can supply me with an acceptable template, I can happily and freely provide you a more thorough and professional risk assessment, quantifying how the risk is managed so the task of visitation can be done as safely as practical. One that will satisfy workplace health and safety legislation using my experience and expertise gained from 20 years in the oil/ gas and mining industries.

I do care about the safety of my Father and other residents which is why I refuse to enter any buildings. There is no need with unnecessary risk to other residents, even if I was vaccinated, when the task of visiting my Father can be done safer outdoors. I will, of course, also self isolate at the onset of any symptoms.
Current directives at Bolton Clarke have visitors going into an enclosed small bedroom which, plain and simple, is not safe when dealing with an airborne and highly contagious virus. Another example of my lack of confidence in current medical policy makers mandating high above from afar, over riding managerial discretion when it comes to the practical safety of the people in their direct care.

Susan, I do sympathise with the position you are in as manager and appreciate your understanding and compassion. Practical people minded managers need their discretion in individual cases so please forward my concerns and I request that this matter be addressed as a matter of urgency. The end decision will not only affect me but also my Mother and Father. I will come and see you in person tomorrow at around 10am for an update.

Kind Regards,
(Ed Puff 😉 )

PS My Father has been there almost 3 years and i was (before vaccine mandate) a frequent visitor, going multiple times a week. This is important to me so I will seek a definitive result as quickly as possible."

@puff very well written

@1patriot Did the trick


The big one was changing the definition of vaccine from "provide" to "boost" re immunity. Vaccines should provide immunity, then we can talk about achieving a herd immunity through a vaccination smallpox, polio etc.
But the definition was changed to "boosting immunity" only. "Boost" is not a scientific term.
Soon after flu "vaccines" started to be marketed, getting the public used to accepting inferior pre-emptive medicines as "vaccines". So when Covid came, few questioned.
Tertiary biology taught me in the 90's that vaccines provide "meaningful immunity" at above 90% efficiency rate (ie 10% breakthrough infections, where it doesn't work). "meaningful" meant long enough lasting so all could be inoculated (be immune) at the same time ie 2 years before "boosters" needed so enough could be inoculated to attain a herd immunity.
And they continue to water down the definition.

puff Level 8 Oct 24, 2023
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