SAFE AND EFFECTIVE LIES: 17,000 Scientists and Physicians confirm that Governments around the world along with Corporations willfully and deliberately lied to humanity about the Covid vaccines. They must be charged with fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide.
The data now shows that the Covid vaccinated are more likely to become infected or have disease or even death if they have been Vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated people. The Covid Vaccines damage your heart, brain, reproductive tissue, lungs, increase cancer and permanently damage your immune system.
The European Parliament asked Pfizer this direct question. "Was the Pfizer Covid Vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?" Janine Small, a Pfizer President replied "NO" we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. At that point of view we had to do everything at risk." They risked your lives deliberately for nothing and lied to you.
The United States Government is captured by Corporations. U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines and Boosters, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow and fetus causing all sorts of harm in the human body. The CDC and the FDA misinformation is causing death and injury in pregnant women and newborn babies around the world.
17,000 Physicians and Scientists demand that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca and their enablers be immediately indicted for fraud for willfully withholding and omitting Covid Vaccine safety information from patients and physicians which led to toxic death and injury to thousands of innocent people around the world.
There is excess mortality and death all over the world and populations are suddenly collapsing. A top U.S. Cardiologist says I'm going to be very clear about this. The Vaccine is Killing people and it's Killing large numbers of people. The CDC has over 16,000 Americans that have died within a few days of taking the vaccine and that's probably a gross underreporting.
The public must demand criminal charges for illegal advertising by the Media, the CDC, NIH, FDA all which advertised the Covid Vaccines as safe and effective with no side effects. They deliberately broke the law and committed federal crimes of fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide. All government officials and all corporate executives must be indicted and brought to justice.
Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates were two of the main criminals in this global fraud of wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide perpetrated upon billions of innocent people around the world. Everyone involved must be punished for their deliberate crimes against humanity. We must get justice in order for this to never happen again. They must be made an example of what happens to you when you deliberately break the law.
This was not a mistake, this was a deliberate orchestrated plan to deceive you and manipulate you into taking a toxic experimental injection that was never given to humans before. Millions are injured and millions are dead. This is a global crime that must not go unpunished. Justice must be met, no matter what.
Don't bother responding @1patriot. He's only here to cause trouble. And have you ever encountered a person who calls themself a patriot who is not also a complete asshole?
speaking of assholes flipper your bell is ringing lol keep your eyes shut as you send the kids to war because you did fuck all about it flipper, your the man....so great and brave lol
I’ve always gotten a kick out of all the vaccinated people with covid.
Me too , they trip over in the dark, looking for the light.
If what you say is true, the heaps of "millions" of rotting corpses being buried by fleets of bulldozers 24/7/365 would be obvious to all
I see No such thing, anywhere on Earth, so STFU until you have more than regurgitation from extremely questionable sources...I wanna see heaps of rotting corpses, and I want them Now.....just think how wonderful it would be to so-simply reduce overpopulation!
But nope, no heaps........
Your right no heaps because to have heaps as you call it you would need billions to die. But we only have millions and world is bigger than your city. so it looks like your a eugenicists, if you taken the shot you will have your wishes full filled! about 5 billion people have taken this shot and if you think CNN is going to show you that your crazy the ones killing everyone also own the media!
I haven't seen a single person dropping like flies like the black plaque. I've seen more increases of people die of heart disease and more often possibly from the increases from covid shots.
The vaccines have been administered to millions, there maybe a 0.00001% that may have suffered an adverse reaction - the same as with all vaccines, drugs, supplements, etc. If one had been following the news everyone knows the test process for the vaccines were done on a shorten schedule and given emergency approval.
To date I have seen no evidence being produced to back up the claims of vasts numbers of deaths from the COVID vaccines and boosters.
What is a real shame are the number of people going into see their health care professional and telling their doctor the Democrats are trying to kill them with mask mandates (back when that was a thing) and "these" vaccines. 3 1/2 years down the road and the mortality rates in counties run by republicans - this is in the United States, don't know about Canada - is higher than the areas run by Democrats.
I see a better connection between ignorance/stupid/sheepleness than from the COVID vaccines.
Million dead ans still dying it's not any where near the same as the past....not even close world wide more dead from vaccination than from the covid flu
What a bunch of B#llsh1t.
This is all anal drivel, spewed from an uneducated mouthhole.
Pony up the documents that prove this crap, or STFU. "17,000 Scientists and Physicians"? Let's see the names. Until then, this is just another Trumper who likes to get attention.
What a maroon.
sheep your not paying attention....lol go get the jab...you need more boosters suppose get fda approval maybe late fall....
VAERS data: 72% of all reported VACCINE DEATHS are attributed to COVID-19 injections
@1patriot It's funny you get your source from Natural News.
@RhondaShotwell you don't believe Vaers is that the problem or you don't like Mike Adams....natural news has had many articles that are very good....i know FB does not allow any of there stuff on facebook....but face book blocks most information that tells the true story...i have had many things block on FB that were true...after few months they didn't block them any more because the word was out.
Same with flu shots , in my adult life, never got the flu shot And guess what? didn't ever get the flu.
My source is legal Rockefeller oil, radiation and artificial base drugs. Is the third leading cause of death in the world. I'm a senior who competes at a world class level in my feild, and I don't touch the posions.
@Castlepaloma i owned my own business for 40 years in construction, i had chronic ear infection, knocked my immune system off with antibiotic. being 20 years old after an operation a doctor recommend i get the flue shot to help my immune system.....i did that for 35 years, at age 35 i had inflammation and found out i broke my back in motorcycle accident. started taking anti inflammatories to take inflammation down. all kinds of little thing restless leg syndrome etc. in 2018 i quit taking the flue shot because i started reading get older, more time to focus on thing other that specification books for construction. and found lots of bad thing about the flue shot.... after i quit the restless leg went away...so did my inflammation it only took until 2019/2020 and all better. when that covid shot come out i was telling everyone not to take it because in those 35 years of taking it, never had i heard a campaign for the whole world to get vaccinated something just wasn't right......i have an aunt and an uncle 94/100 years old never had a vaccine in there life until the nursing home said you can't stay here unless....
Wow! You are posting anecdotal evidence from a doctor who is trying to profit from skepticism and denial. Where is your empirical evidence like global clinical trials? Why do people like you call themselves patriots?
who the fuck is profiting from this show me your proof....the pharmaceutical industry has profited the most and are killing millions well doing it....if you don't want to take the time in investigate keep scrolling...... you are call 17000 doctor and scientist corrupt and trying to make money.....
@1patriot You posted a link to Dr. William Makis as your singular anecdotal sourceof evidence. This guy is on substack. Substack pays him for subscriptions. So he is profiting from his skepticism and denial. See the link for proof!
@kensmile4u that's because the alberta government destroyed his business if you want to know more about hi i can send it to you but i am think you don't real care you just want to discredit him.....he was sent all the stage 4 cancer patience in Calgary and had 98% success rate of curing them Trudeau and Notley government offered large money to change his program....he refused so they put him out of business along with all the people he had working with him! he doesn't make as much on substack as you think!
@1patriot Don't you see a pattern here? He is out of business because he was rejected and ostracised due to his incorrect ideas. Yet here you are promoting him as if he is the sole source of your truth. What causes you to reject overwhelming empirical evidence and commonly held truth?
@kensmile4u you don't even know his story i do! he's a top cancer doctor who saved 98% of stage 4 cancer patience that other doctor give up on! and you can speak to them he saved....and if you said Notley and trudeau the politicians that shut him down are the good guys your fucking way off track! here he speaks of 9 peer reviewed papers on ivermectin IVERMECTIN and CANCER, it has at least 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Can Ivermectin Treat COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers? - 9 Ivermectin papers reviewed [makismd.substack.com] where's your peer review on the safeties of covid-19 injections....because there is none! and likely never will be any... big pharma don't want a cure for cancer!
@1patriot Here are your peer reviews showing covid vaccines are safe.
There are many more that I can provide. But you should have already known this because this information has been widely available for years now. I'm not sure why you want to deny all this good science especially since literally billions of people disagree with you. You look like a fool! I looked at your data and concluded there is nothing for me to learn here. I hope you get a clue and see the folly of your current intellectual behavior. I won't respond to this nonsense in the future.
@kensmile4u 3 people i know are dead and my cousin has bell's palsy that's how fucking safe it is. so take you FDA emergency approval and shove it up your ass. people in canada are still dying from it we have over 80 doctors dead in Canada in 2022 age 35-75 that died as many doctor fell for the safe and effective bullshit.....so you keep getting these shots i don't give a fuck about you any way just as you do give a fuck about me! and yes keep fucking scrolling if you come to my posts i don't look at any of your shit.....
I just had my 5th COVID-19 vaccine (two-shot initial + 3 boosters over two years). I feel great, and no sign of SARS CoV-2, or anything else for that matter. I went for a great mountain bike ride yesterday. 2½ hours on trails so steep most people have trouble walking on them.
All my friends and family have also had the vaccine. And they're all healthy too!
Let's face it: all this anti-vax conspiracy theory propaganda is just so much bullshit . Shame on you for spreading it.
Tell that to millions that have died, i am glad your doing great don't stop getting them....SAFE AND EFFECTIVE LIES: 17,000 Scientists and Physicians confirm that Governments around the world along with Corporations willfully and deliberately lied to humanity about the Covid vaccines. They must be charged with fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide.
@1patriot If you really believe that drivvel, I have some land in Florida you might like.
@Flyingsaucesir so you hate me so much you will kill yourself with tainted vaccine's wow. so it's really happening and you don't want to believe scientist you really do believe the demoncrats....wow you are brain washed..i have 3 friends dead and 1 cousin with Bell's palsy.....
@Flyingsaucesir the covid-19 vaccine still has not passed FDA approval out side of emergency use
@Flyingsaucesir [tapnewswire.com]
Cardiac Testing at Washington Public Event Found 53% Myocarditis Rate, Including Two Active Duty US Military Pilots. What Does It Mean?
@1patriot Hate you? Wherever did you get such a grandiose notion? The second I leave this page I will have completely forgotten you. No exaggeration.
Please take all my vaccines I was suppose to be mandates to take. I'd conditions myself to be called a terrorist and a serial killer. I miss all my friends who are vaxxeed and sick with the covid. I tried to catch the covid by door handles and touched everything humanity touched. My problem is my amuse system has so much practice its unable to get sick.
@Castlepaloma "...my amuse [sic] system has so much practice its [sic] unable to get sick."
Famous last words