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Evil doesn't die...

snytiger6 9 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Crazy what you see when you ignore your uneducated feelings and look at the facts though.

There is a total disconnect between what the Nazis claimed to do and what they actually did or implemented. The problem was that nobody was free to state that their claims weren't actually true. Especially so if you were Jewish, foreign born or weren't white.

Trump's view of America is ONLY for white persons born in America. He is even talking about reinterpreting the 14th Amendment so that people born here won't automatically be citizens.


Very true. He took an oath to uphold that which he wants to shred. Now he wants a second chance and this time he will be worse.

There is a total disconnect between what the Nazis claimed to do and what they actually did or implemented. The problem was that nobody was free to state that their claims weren't actually true. Especially so if you were Jewish, foreign born or weren't white.

Trump's view of America is ONLY for white persons born in America. He is even talking about reinterpreting the 14th Amendment so that people born here won't automatically be citizens.

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