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Wednesday cynicism?

CallMeDave 8 Dec 6

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Crystals can affect my wellbeing, They are very pretty, and I can feel awe and wonder, when I contemplate the chemical and geological processes, I only half understand, which went into their making.

But sown into my underpants, between my testicles ? Nah, I don't think I will bother, thank you.


Once in a while I will have wedding couples who want to make a circle of crystals to stand in for their marriage ceremony. They think it creates some added benefit, in case their love isn't strong enough, I guess, and while I don't go in for that, I tell them sure, they can place the crystals around us. It's because I don't think they carry any special powers that I'm fine with it.

I also have friends/acquaintances who are really big into crystals, my eyes just glaze over while they talk about them, but new age nuts are a big percentage of the mainland transplant people I know, so I have to feign respect for their woo woo beliefs.


I firmly believe there is magic in crystals. They can change from pretty rocks into green paper for me.


Crystal Meth has been proven to affect well-being.


I feel better already 🙂


Nice summation!

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