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Interesting 🧐

Aaron70 8 Dec 8

Enjoy being online again!

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As if doctors know more than evolution which placed the thymus gland within us. It has been noted that surgeons seek surgery. I would exhaust many efforts prior to removing any organ unless severely warranted. I still have my tonsils & appendix....knock on wood.


I am not so sure about this site overall...just below this article, "....cracked piece of metal heals itself........"????!!??
And an article how a "common" blood pressure medicine that may make specific worms live longer extrapolated to humans, which IMO is a Big Leap, Huge.....however the article also states it would make our energy level less (so, ancient zombies? No thsnks!)and if it is an "in common use" pill than why has not this effect been noted in humans???????
Lotta clickbait!!!!!!!

Not sure what you read, but I attached an article regarding the “thymus” gland, and its possible role(s) in fighting disease……👀

How bout you just read the article I attached, and don’t go down the rabbit holes…..🤷🏻♂️

If you have concerns about the information provided about the thymus gland in the article, you can always research the organ further. In fact I highly recommend this approach! 🙃

@Buck I got the entire site when I clicked on your link...and I was going to enquire how your surgical recovery was going but you are being a complete asshole...3 replies on the same innocuous observation?

3 appropriate replies somehow makes me an asshole?!
Fuck off already…..😊

Now I’m being an asshole, hope you’re happy!!😇

@Buck Quite happy, thank you, going to sing the house down at karaoke tonight. You however seem rather testy.......

@annewimsey1 I can be quite testy when I’m called an asshole for no apparent reason….🤨

@Buck no, there was a reason......when you feel more like yourself reread from the beginning and you will want to delete...but fear not, I will remember.
And I went to karaoke and the DJ and I were the only ones interested in singing so I came home early...I don't smoke or drink and just wanted to sing, phooooey!

Oh, I’ve already read my comments over, and there’s nothing wrong with any thing I said….🤔
Good luck to you, and adios…..

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