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I admit, there was a time when I thought the European model might be the way to go with legalizing drugs, but it's obvious that you have to have the rehab centers in place first to combat the addictions to begin with. But then you have those that just don't want to get clean for some reason. Such a sad state of affairs they're in now in Vancouver.

captfeelgood 7 Dec 10

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People abuse substances for a reason. I would like to work on the reasons, mostly by intervening before the reasons cause problems. Let’s end poverty and war, to start with. There is more than enough of everything for all the people in the world. Let’s stop fighting about things.

Would be great if it were that simple. Poverty and war aren't the issues for sure.
Poverty certainly isn't it. People use it as an excuse but look at all the people that were not addicts, get rich and then become drug addicts due to poor life decisions. (actors, rock stars, rich kids of politicians and business moguls ...)
And war just sucks any way you look at it, but it doesn't make you shoot crap in your arm or snort it, or smoke it, etc. Again that's poor life decisions. And don't get me wrong, I know bad decisions are easy to make, hence the rehab/self-help centers.
Better yet, how about folks that make babies do a better job of raising them so they don't grow up thinking using and selling drugs a fun life, or a good, easy way to make a living. Figure out a way to stop greed and poor decision making, and then you'll be getting somewhere.

@captfeelgood I disagree. Poverty and war are responsible for more trauma, and consequently mental health issues, than selfishness or stupidity. Substance abuse is a mental health issue, most often based in trauma.


One of the insidious effects of drugs is that, once addicted, you don't WANT to recover! Nothing makes you feel as good as the drugs do. I'm very sorry to hear about of my favorite cities,.

My granddaughter is addicted to drugs and the people who use them. At 27 she has been in the state pen twice for drug related incidents. She stays straight just long enough to get high again. Her daughter wants nothing to do with her and is being raised by her grandma. This is what drugs do.

That's an interesting statement " once addicted, you don't WANT to recover! ". Are you suggesting that there are no drugs (that of course includes alcohol, cigarettes, etc) that people don't want to quit? I find that hard to believe.

@captfeelgood Read Denno's comment (above.) Note that I said "ONE" effect...not ALL. Yes, some people break free of drugs but we all know that many do not.

@pamagain Mmmmm,,,, no, you said "once addicted, you don't WANT to recover!"...

And yes, I took a 'page photo' of it, so don't try to edit it. 😏

@captfeelgood're looking for a fight and won't get it from me. Snarky, aren't you?

@pamagain Mmmm, no, not looking for a fight, just some intellectual honesty is all. If you think the friendly questioning of a statement is being 'snarky', perhaps you should look up the definition. I don't think you're really grasping the intended use of the word. Cheers all the same. 😁👍


That’s what happens when you have a liberal idiot like Trudeau in charge.

It's a complex issue. In my own journey, I faced severe alcohol addiction. At one point, I wasn't sure if I'd ever find a way out.That's when I discovered an intensive outpatient program at a local rehab center near me. It was a game-changer. It provided the support and structure I needed to overcome addiction. It's not always about not wanting to get clean; sometimes, it's about the complexities of addiction itself.Hearing about the situation in Vancouver is indeed heart-wrenching. It highlights the urgent need for effective addiction treatment and support systems. We should strive for a solution that combines harm reduction with comprehensive rehab programs to help those in need.


yea i hear you i thought fuck it make it all legal, but now, no way the billionaire are the biggest drug dealer we have the great turd (trudeau) has allowed 20% inspections at the ship yards and we are bringing fentanyl in from china which is down from 75% inspection in 2014 and guess where lots of thats going...all across canada and the united states....chinese gangs (circle boys) in Vancouver distribute for a billionaire in Ottawa and yes the turd knows all about it!

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