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Well what do you know, Tommy get's it right again... 😏

captfeelgood 7 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I once said I would never block people on here because it would be sinking to their level, but I now know that dealing with really stupid people actually does create a feeling of depression that is not worth the trouble. So I will now start blocking you retards.... and I will feel good about it. 😁


As always, conservative intellect is an oxymoron.

(Coming from the bigot that earlier inferred two Black men were fake intellectuals. Beginning to see the pattern?)


Well said!


Proving your intelligence once again, are ya?


This is the guy who defended Trump against charges of racism, endorsed Ted Cruz , recommended voters to vote for Trump over Hillary Clinton, and has claimed that systemic racism is an "untested, questionable hypothesis" comparable to propaganda tactics used by Joseph Goebbels.
Has he ever been right

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