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Who misses Dexter and wishes someone would bring him back for at least a movie and a "real" finale? (And who, other than me, would name their dogs Dexter and Morgan?)

Connolly42 5 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I miss Dexter,Breaking Bad, Battlestar Galactica, The Wire, etc.I look forward to whatever rabbit hole I jump down next


Loved Dexter. I need to binge watch it this summer.


I enjoyed the tv show and the books, writer says he isnt writing anymore in the series.


The final season and the final episode was so bad - unlike anything from the early seasons.

gater Level 7 May 5, 2018

I just finished reading all the books. Way different than the series but awesome. I once had two dogs named Humphrey and Bogart so I like your idea for Dexter and Morgan.


If I could have seen the future, my cat Millie would have been named Dexter, despite her gender. She's a prolific murderer, with no standards for her victimology. She'll bring home anything from a grasshopper to a large rat, baby bird to tailless lizard.


I have a brother in law named Dexter!


When I saw the last episode I was convinced they left the door open for a comeback...... I am still waiting..... First season was great because the formula was simple, kill the ones that needed to be killed. That was it and we all loved him for that. Few seasons later, I was under the impression that writers were overthinking things a bit too much, trying to come up with convoluted plots. Just let him kill the bad guys and if he kills them slowly then much better, that's it !!! Why mess with a good recipe???..... Anyhow, I even found one paperback book years ago and it was actually very pleasant to read a story where you have a visual image of all characters.......anyway, as I have said, still hoping Dexter will make a comeback. He is not dead !!!!.....


Me. Well, it appeared he’d relocated to serial-killer-central, the PNW 😉 I’ve all 8 seasons on DVD.. Nothing like it. Dog names - excellent 😀 ..and on a relevant note, I loved his anti-religious themes and remarks - shockingly delicious ~

Varn Level 8 May 5, 2018

I do miss Dexter! The fisrt few seasons were really good tv.


I loved the show up to season 4 with the Trinity killer. After that you could see the studio was using it as a cash cow vehicle and the stories started to deteriorate. The whole thing with his step sister in the last two seasons really ruined it for me but I still enjoyed them nonetheless. As they left it hanging at the end it would be good for a closing season one off.

If you like Dexter then give Barry a go.


Its entertaining


Yes! I want Dexter. Good names for dogs!

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